Judgemental Yoga instructor!

by changeling 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    We were talking to my yoga instructor (who is kind of a yoga nazi) about another studio in the area. She had recommended them in the past. Tonight she said their instructors were really good but that one of them was "so gay" she couldn't handle taking his class.

    Another woman and I looked at each other and smirked. That woman then said: "I love gay men". Then I said: "me too!". Our instructor then asked: "even when they're really 'flaming'?"

    I then said with a giggle: "Yoga is not judgemental".

    We all sort of giggled and the subject was changed.

    I could not beleive this woman's nerve to say such a thing in this day and age.

    I think I really will move to Sweden.


  • SixofNine

    Ick! I so effing hate flamboyant Swedes. And is there any other kind?

  • primitivegenius

    one word........... nvm

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    why is it that JW's are not suppose to do yoga? I forget

  • Trevanian

    Because it's based on Eastern philosophy and spirituality.

    And remember how "philosophy" is a dirty word? And non-dub spirituality is from Satan?

  • Satanus

    How many heteros flame their heteroness? Why make such a show of what they are. Flaming people just need a bit of hosing down;)


  • Seeker4

    JWs can't do yoga cause it's like this direct line to demon possession and a life of Satan-controlled insanity. That really ought to be obvious to anyone who has ever attended an actual yoga class. Oh! The filth and degradation in such a place! The wild wantoness and unbridled sexuality seen in the typical yoga class! It's brazen and shameless!

    A flamboyant gay Swede yoga instructor would be no surprise to any reader of the Awake! magazine. They would assume that was simply the norm amidst the demon-riddled yoga culture.

    Or is that yogurt culture??


    S4 (a happy hatha yoga practitioner)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi changeling,

    Just saying hello as you sorta invited me to take yoga.

    Are we in Sweden yet?

    My mind can take me anywhere ...

    CoCo Flynn

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