There has to be a reason for the contempt that JW's have for the United Nations. It just doesn't make any sort of logical sense for a religious body such as the WTBTS to have such a virulent hatred of an organisation who's main interest is in maintaining a peaceful world.
They say, I recall, that it is a "sham" or a pathetic substitute for God's Kingdom. This is nonsense. One could use the same reasoning to refuse to call an ambulance to a disaster, because only God can make people whole and well again, as though an injury was best left to its own devices rather than trying to patch it up. All or nothing would seem to be the principle.
I suspect that, back when the original League of Nations was formed, much of JW's post World War 1 preaching was starting to fall on deaf ears. There would be a profound sense of relief that the war was over, and the forming of the League would have been a great comfort to many.
I think that the impact of JW preaching was being diluted by the very existence of the League, in short it was probably almost a rival to dub-dom. It would certainly reduce the impact of the JW message of doom and gloom and eventual salvation, so I reckon that the then WTBTS decided to tell a half-truth (much better than an all-out lie) as the R & F would be reporting back that the peoples hopes were in the League. So they sort of admitted that the League was a partial solution to the Worlds problems, and then said that this partial solution was an "abomination" because it was imperfect, and so it was therefore trying to usurp Gods authority.
In a way, the JW's were quite right, their message would be greatly nullified by the UNs very existence.
Thats what I think, anyway.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....