The title is wrong because - - why would it matter what the Bible says?
'Violence against women'.
It's so obviously wrong you shouldn't have to turn anywhere for the answer. It's self evident.
However - since they are Bible apologists, it's not so weird that they would mention the Bible's view in the article (in a positive light).
Perhaps it's even done in light of all the negative publicity the Quran has received on this subject lately, and they want to say that the Bible (in contrast) does not support it.
But the title is in a way suggesting that if the Bible said it was A OK to beat women, then we should be doing that, and if it's against it, then we should be too, simply for that reason.
They could instead have called it "Violence against women - a growing problem" (if that's the case), and then explained the Bible's view (as they see it) inside.
'Violence against fellow living beings - why it is wrong' would perhaps be an interesting article. Not sure you'd find support for that view in the Bible though.
Btw - the Bible's view of violence against women is that if you are visited by angel(s), and there's an angry mob outside, by all means offer them to rape and kill your daughter(s). You'd think the guy offering the daughter(s) up would be corrected by said angel(s) or God himself. No miracle in sight there, though. There's also nothing wrong in raping women and killing their children in front of them, as long as it's God's will, and they are "evil".
[edit] Hmm... seems I spent too long writing this post (and doing other things simultaneously), 'cause it's already been said. Sorry. [/edit]