Judicial Committee Recordings?

by inkling 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inkling

    I am very interested in listening to any recordings of JCs,
    recent or old. Have any been posted in the past, or does
    anyone know of any available for download?


  • DT
  • Fatfreek

    I just used JWD Search (near the top of the page) and placed the following in the search field:

    record* AND jc AND meeting

    I got some 139 hits of threads which have those three strings. By the way, record* uses the wildcard * at the end which will find record, recorder, recorded, records, etc.

    You may want to check it out. There's a lot that's transpired here in the past 6 years. Simon has recently improved that Search function so we can mine that information easier.

    Then, there's good old Google. In its Web search field place the following:
    site:www.jehovahs-witness.com recorder jc meeting

    Note, that site:www.jehovahs-witness.com limits Google to only look within JWD. That filters things down to a manageable level.

    I got less than 46 hits, all of them specifically looking for "recorder" in JC meetings. Interestingly, the 2nd hit takes you to a thread about a year old where the poster gives you a link to the transcript and the audio. You can't beat that.


  • inkling

    Thanks for the search help, sadyl all the older links are dead.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Hi inkling,

    I have one that I could send you via email if you wanted it. PM me your address if you are interested. Be quick. Off to bed-E-byes soon.

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