It has been said that if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand, you are fortunate.Figures of speech in the org are "The Friends". This being the case in a "BROTHERHOOD of LOVE", then the statement I cited is debunked, is it not? Wouldn't we therefore need thousnads of hands, an infinite number of FRIENDS? People that we could truly count on in our worse times of need, we could lay our burdens on them is strict confidance. True friends would be loving and kind, always looking out for our needs, putting aside their own selfsih interests.
The reason I bring up this subject, is that I read so many posts about how many friends you all have. I, personaly, am blessed to have 2. My wife of 4 years and my dear buddie who has been there for me for 30 years. He is a former jw, wants nothing what-so-ever to do with them again. he has gone so far as to tell me he isn't really interested in logging on here. He and his wife have been abused to no end by them and it is a sad story that they lived with the "FRIENDS".
I believe that it is necessary to QUALIFY just who our friends really are, and not QUANTIFY them. For example. Who of these friends that you have, can you in confidence, tell them that you , say, were having an affair? He or she knows your wife, you live in each others pockets, so to speak. What does a true friend in this case? Take into consideration that he/she knows your family life, marital intricasies, all of that good stuff. Is he/she truly your friend, and how does he/she show it? How many of these so called "FRIENDS" can you lay your heart out to? Where does understanding and forgiveness come into play before they narc on you. And will they narc on you? Forget this keeping the cong. clean crap, ARE THEY REALLY YOUR FRIEND??
Do the elders consider all in the cong. to be their FRIEND? Have you ever tried to pursue an elders' friendship? I mean to be his pal, his buddie, throw a few back, yuck it up? I tell you, personnaly I have. And what did I get for my efforts? Their emotional make-up, formed by the wts will not allow them to deviate into the realm of being a real person. Sure, they put on a good front, laugh at small talk, eat a meal with you with others around, but they will not be YOUR FRIEND!
I could go on and on with this subject, but I will give leave because I know that there are MANY of you here that need to expound on this matter.
Again, you are fortunate if you can count the number of TRUE friends you have on one hand.
I have.......and AM........nomoreguilt