Britain set to release secret UFO files.....

by BurnTheShips 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
  • Elsewhere

    The subject of UFOs is very interesting to me, mostly because I really would love to believe that earth has been and currently is being visited by extraterrestrial craft under intelligent control.

    The problem with the whole thing is that I have an extremely high set of requirements for proof... as the saying goes: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Regarding the question of why the world governments are so hush-hush about the whole thing, I have to bring in good ol reliable Occam's razor. I see two possible explanations for the extreme secrecy and reluctance to release information:

    1. The governments have solid and irrefutable proof that earth has been and currently is being visited by extraterrestrial craft under intelligent control.
    2. OR... the world governments are worried about national security because many of the unidentified objects are in fact sensitive military operations.

    I have to go with #2.

    In terms of military operations... this, to me, is the #1 reason why the government is so interested in gathering reports about UFOs. Lets say an enemy government creates a cleaver new flying machine that is able to spy on the US or deliver nuclear weapons in a way that tricks or evades conventional radar and other detection methods. Now lets say that someone happens to see the thing but doesn't know what it is and reports it, and later on someone else sees the same thing and files another report. The people who are collecting the reports will notice a similarity between the sightings and begin to investigate what new military threat we are facing and from whatever government.

    There is also the case where the US develops some cleaver new flying machine. When they are spotted by the public, the government wants to know about it so that they will know how the enemy will perceive the new machine.

    In both cases we are dealing with sensitive projects and information... and therefore the information about then will be held secret.

    I can also certainly understand why people would perceive some of these devices as being alien in nature. One thing that stands out in my mind is something called an Iridium Flare. It is an amazing thing to see in the sky at night. For the Star Trek fans, an Iridium Flare looks exactly like a star ship shooting off into warp speed. You see a bright flash in the sky that then shoots off across the sky getting dimmer and dimmer until it is gone. It is quite spectacular to see and I could certainly understand why someone would interpret it as an alien craft shooting off from earth into space at an incredible speed. The reality is that what you are seeing is just the sunlight reflecting off the side of a satellite in orbit around the earth.

    Here is a video of one:

    Of course this video does not do it justice. To get the full effect of how spectacular it is you have to see one with your own eyes.

  • Satanus

    The french govt released it's ufo files a few months ago.


  • BurnTheShips

    Yeah Satanus. I remember that. Hard phenomenon to explain. And I don't buy the little green men theory.

    This is Mexican Airforce video.


  • Midget-Sasquatch


    Those are my thoughts too. Although you've expressed them and elucidated them much better than I could have. The reports that aren't misidentifications of the usual objects (planets, satellites etc.) are very likely Black Ops Military Craft.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I bet it's just a bunch of references to dead Norwegian parrots vooming about.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    A subject that fascinated me since my own sighting when I was (I think) six years old in NH in 1959 or so. Hopefully the files released will not be over sanitised.

    This is the one that has me baffled . . taken in Italy in the 90's and allegedly leaked by someone from the Italian govt to a researcher.

    The popular Youtube version is a 7th generation copy . . . and it shows

    This is the original (or at least a much lower generation copy than the popular Youtube version) as shown on Italian TV recently . . .

    Anyone speak Italian?

    There are those that say "Hoax!!" and support it with anonymous emails and phone calls from the supposed hoaxer. see here:

    Everyone has an agenda . . there are those who may have reasons for it to be labeled a hoax and there are those who will wish to believe so strongly that it is real that it clouds their reason (sound familiar??)

    They say it is fake because the disk is much sharper than the background . . . well duh, that's because it is much closer than the background and there is much less atmospheric haze and light scatter on the object in the video.

    I fall on the side that this video is not faked, it is a real object, but from where and who's technology?

    I remain a skeptical believer . . extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

  • mkr32208

    I believe that there is a LOT of life out there. However I DON'T believe it comes and visits earth. I think that the distances involved are just to great to travel for nothing but to buzz hippies and abduct red necks!

  • shopaholic

    I have always believed that there is life on other planets. I've also though it quite ridiculous to believe its just us. I am interested to see whats in files that will be released by the Brits.

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