Sound cars/trucks

by glenster 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

    It's not a biggie, it's just that I had a hard time findng this with Google,
    but please let me know if you can provide any pictures of the JWs sound cars/
    trucks that broadcast Rutherford decades ago.

    I found this one in a video on You Tube:

  • Kenneson

    The Proclaimers book, pages 87, 156, and 567 has pictures of sound cars and even one sound boat.

  • glenster

    ^Thanks! But is there something on the Internet?

  • Snoozy

    Glenster, thanks for the long as I was in the religion I didn't know they had trucks like that.

    You may notice I have been pulling some of your old posts up..I find some of them fascinating...

    Board has been a little slow lately and not too many topics that interest me so I am going back in the archives so to speak..


  • Leolaia

    *** g35 10/23 p. 50 Sound Car Witnessings Near Washington ***

    Woman reading booklet: "Judge Rutherford explains these things so CLEARLY---".
    Black woman holding up one of Rutherford's books: "What would you say to a po' gal dat loves de Lawd and only has 22 cents".
    Two men reading Watchtower books over a game of chess: "Gee whiz, Bill -- all these books for a contribution of 35 cents -- you got a dime -- I have a quarter --".
    Woman: "We have four of Judge Rutherford's books and think they are wonderful -- Wait, I'll call father --".
    Retired Captain, U.S.N. and a Catholic: "--Anyone can see that what you call Armageddon is just ahead -- the world is too wicked--".
    Another man: "I'll contribute to this work because I know it's a good work -- Give the books to someone who will read them".
    Man reading one of Rutherford's books: "Why, this is Judge Rutherford! I've been listening to him over the radio for YEARS!"
    Man at the door: "I've been waiting for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to call for weeks--".
    O'Dean (& he's an elder in a church, too): "Judge Rutherford couldn't write these things unless he were used of God."

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