Why does the 'Society' continue to erroneously collate its 'Peak Publisher' figures by counting two (or more) reports for the same publisher in a single month?
Peak Publishers
by IMHO 5 Replies latest jw friends
Must obey!
Because it serves to keep the Pharisaical Governing Body's organisation looking beautiful on the outside, but inside their organisation is full of of uncleanness, plunder and immoderateness. (Matt 23:25-28)
I also think it is for convenience. If a person puts in 6 reports at once it is too big a job to go back and update the records for every month.
When I was Secretary (shudder at the memory) I would not have done that..If Sister X put in 4 reports, one for each of the past four months, I would total all the hours in the hours column, but still count her as one publisher, and update her card to show the back reports in the months that they were intended to be.
I could never understand the thing about "Peak publishers"
In the 2007 report theres about a 3,000 difference between the "average" and "peak" publisher numbers, 122,000 to 125,000 aprrox.
I used to think where do those 3,000 go to?
Peak publishers is the maximum number that reported in any one month. Average publishers is the total number of slips received divided by 12. If the organization was growing steadily, the average publisher count would be in the middle of the year and the peak at the end. If it is shrinking, the peak would be at the beginning.
Of course, since everything is inflated with various scam accounting practices, fake reports, and coercion to get people out in field circus before they are ready (or that don't really want to be there and do not give a fxxx that they are supposedly going to die), nothing is on target. Peak publishers actually means the maximum number of reports that they can coerce or fake in any one month.
Note that if the organization was on solid footing, the average would be close to the peak, unless it was rapidly growing. If it is rapidly growing and on solid footing, the peak from the previous year would be close to the low for the next year, and the average would be much higher than the peak from the past year. That is not happening.