Odd reaction...

by changeling 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    I spoke to one of my non-witness cousins the other day and she told me that our cousins who were raised SDA were no longer active in their church. She told me their mother was very upset.

    I told my mom about this (these are my Dad's family I'm talking about) and her reaction was: "Good for them!" I mentioned my aunt being upset about it and she said: "Well, I had it out with her years ago".

    At no point did she see the parallel between them and me or between her reaction and my aunt's.

    I was very amused...


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    It's called cognitive dissonance. I'm not surprised.

    tall penguin

  • flipper

    Changeling- It is weird. But I agree with what Tall Penguin said. It's very true. I'm halfway through the book, " Combatting Cult Mind Control". It spells out that behavior in your mom pretty clearly in the " cult mentality ". Amazing . Truly is. Peace out, have a good Christmas ! Mr. Flipper

  • cluless


    Did you refer to Dr Walter ....Combacting Mind Control?

    Because I was going to buy that on Amazon. But the reviews (Only 6 of them) were not that good.

    I heard about the book on Mcgreggor Ministries. Which is how I found this site.

  • MissingLink

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