Why is it in the bible that it does say that Jesus said to take the bread and the wine in the last supper, but he doesn't say its restricted only to the 144,000 going to heaven? He was talking to his apostles of course, so does that mean only the elders, and anointed should do this? I have looked in the bible on who should and shouldn't do this and have found nothing. Can you help? The church that I like to go to is on this subject and the pastor is teaching that Jesus just said do this in rememberance of me and not only do this if you are of the choosen as discribed by Jehovah's witness.
Are just Jehovah's Witnesses the choosen people?
by serenaj92 6 Replies latest jw friends
I think your pastor's got it right.
And, no, JWs are not the chosen people. And neither were the Jews.
Deaer serenaj92,
The reason Jesus did not say that was because he wanted ANYONE to "eat [his] flesh and drink [his] blood" so that they would "live foever."
All who want to live forever MUST eat and drink.... otherwise, "you have NO life in you."
John 6:48-58
Matthew 26:26-28Show that scripture to a JW... and they run screaming, lol!
Aaron -
1 Chorintians 11:26 "For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives."
If Jesus already arrived, should anybody celebrate the Lord's Evening Meal?
One of the biggest turn arounds in JW doctrine which I think is often over-looked is when they introduced "the great crowd". This is an example of changing doctrine to match what was happening at the time. They saw members climbing to over 144,000 (which the first bible students had never envisaged) and changed their doctrine accordingly in order to explain the numbers and so as not to stem the flow of new-comers.
Of course, in reality the 144,000 number would have been met by the 1st century Christains alone, and the GB know this and fail to print an answer to it.
But what gets me, is not that the belief is wrong, but the fact that they say everything is based on the bible, when in fact they twist the bible and it's interpretation to match the current events.*
The bread and wine are symbolic, to be done to remember Jesus and what he did. It does not indicate anything more than that. Also, when the Bible mentions the 144,000, it says they are from the 12 tribes, and they are men who have not had sex with women. I really doubt if too many Jehovah Witnesses fit this category!
It has been said that the 'virgins' haven't followed another god.
It seems that as things are the JWs don't fit into that category.Bang