I don't remember the talk itself because I blew off the Grand Boasting Sessions ever since 2001. However, I have heard it in the Kingdumb Hells on occasion, as comments from the Puketower study and from the hounder-hounders. Not taking vitamins, not worrying about your health, and doing more in field circus are all pushed.
And no wonder. That will allow people to kill themselves out in field circus while staying out to the bitter end. I have seen people with cancer continue on their normal schedule while undergoing chemo, where the cancer was likely the result of too much fast, good-tasting poison every day for lunch. Then there are all the poison TV dinners that people fix because they have no time between field circus and the boasting session for a decent dinner.
You don't believe that a steady diet of Big Macs and TV dinners can make one sick? In my congregation, there is a person that suffers severe migraines. This person regularly eats those TV dinners, and goes to McDonalds and Burger King most days of the week. And pioneers. And suffers numerous so-called nuisance health problems (this person isn't even 30 yet). People that live on TV dinners and fast, good-tasting poison all the time tend to develop diabetes and high blood pressure, they are generally fat, and they are much more likely to get cancer in their 40s and up. These things are supposed to be a treat (I have nothing against eating the stuff occasionally as a treat or when things are unavoidably tight. I do have a problem with eating it all the time because time is always tight between boasting sessions and field circus.
The witlesses miss the mark on other health issues. They are exposed to every cold and flu, as well as tuberculosis, at the doors. They tend to drive way too much, plus they are on the cell phone all the time to check on calls. They do not generally get enough exercise (the recommendation is a steady walk totaling a whole hour a day). They are under perpetual stress from not being able to measure up and the continual assignments. Injuries add to the health problems--from falls, stepping on nails, dog bites, and getting hit by a car while trying to start their time.
And no wonder so many witlesses have cancer before they get to age 70. Most of them have some disease, and I have seen people dying of cancer or heart disease commonly before they reach 70. Many of these were pioneers or hounders/assistant hounders. For sure, if they are going to make a stink about people that choose (unwisely) to smoke and make their families shun them for smoking on the grounds that it pollutes the body, then what about those fat tubs of lard that eat The Pioneer Diet, almost never get any sustained exercise, and have little or no sleep because of field circus. Maybe they ought to get their priorities straight.
(No, I am not making fun of people that have left the organization and are still fat. Most of those people have underactive thyroids, possibly damaged due to the Pioneer Diet or not exercising enough for so long. I am, however, pointing out that a disproportionate number of witlesses are fat and that they have a crappy diet, way too much stress, poor exercise habits, and not enough sleep. If you correct those problems and stay fat, then probably your thyroid is underactive and sabotaging your weight loss. However, you are no longer adding to the problem as those who remain witlesses do.)