Now I know lots of people here the last place they would want to be as at the Kingdom Hall, and i'm not claiming what I am about to say is a good or bad idea. But, what would happen if a large number of people visited a neighboring congregation and partook of the emblems? Let's say an extra 10,000 partook. How would they spin this when they were faced with posting the numbers?
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by united states of nothing 7 Replies latest jw friends
Not to burst your bubble or anything but this gets suggested every year on JWD. I personally couldn't be paid enough to step into a KH and participate even in something like you've suggested, but that's just me eh.
I doubt that they accurately report the numbers of partakers. The number seems way to low, considering the number of visitors that partake in ignorance or apostates that partake out of mischief or new ones that partake because of personal preference.
Each Congregation is pretty good at knowing who is of the Anointed™ and who will be partaking™ every year. I'm pretty sure any other partakers™ won't be counted.
AK - Jeff
I never sent the report. But I had heard that the 'policy' was to be sure they were approved annointed before including them, for instance any who are clearly not Jw's would not be counted.
I know folks who have done that. I dont think it is a loving thing to do. Your making a mockery of what they believe.
I think of my poor grand kids that maybe sitting next to the partaker.It get them confused.Isnt it LOVE we are supposed to be showing? I thought when we came out of bondage we wouldnt want to HURT others ,no matter how scewed up they are. Are you unkind to the blindman/woman? I doubt it. So why be cruel to blind minds.?
I'm with Mouthy. I think it is disrespectful and a poor way to make a point. Besides, as a Christian, it is contrary to my own beliefs about the meaning of communion.
I agree with a few posters...
I see it as dishonest and disrespectful.
Being loving and non-judgmental are much better ways to make a point.
Kinda preaching by example...