or were you just a WatchTower troll trying to entrap people that were trying to be nice to you? I read your site, thought it was nice, added you as a friend, made some comments, and now today your myspace page is GONE!!! This kind of crap makes me nervous. Her name was Brook, and she posted back about 3 pages about her myspace site; wanting people to look at it, join her webblog, etc. For the first time I did it,(well, besides Crumpet's site) and now I feel like, "What the F*ck?) Anyone know what's going on? Or, does the one known as "Burningbridges" or Brook want to come out and comment please? Thanks, Wing Commander
Burningbridges: What happened to your myspace site? Were U 4 real?
by WingCommander 7 Replies latest jw friends
She made this post in her first thread:
hi, it's me, brooke. Yes I was for real. My husband found out i joined the forum and posted the link to my myspace. he flipped out, closed my account, locked me out of all my accounts, email, everything. i had to leave and go to my moms it was so bad. i left him and went through hell. today i got my house and my daughter, but not until an elder came to my home and "mediated" on our behalf. he is being pyscho, threatening, crazy. yes i was for real, I'm not going anywhere, i'm just going through a real tough time. i prob. will have to get a restraining order on monday
She probably decided she didn't want to be so public about it. She did say her husband still goes to meetings.
Oh I'm sorry that you are having to go through this.
The JW's hatre it when they lose control over a person's life.
When I stopped going to the meetings my ex made my life hell until I divorced the crazy woman.
For some reason that's the way it ends up when one spouse wakes up and sees the cult for what it is.
Ditto here. With my soon to be ex going back to the cult, trying to drag my daughter in..these situations can be rough. Good luck Brooke.
Brook, be very careful.