Anyone know if Blood Refusal had anything to do with these deaths?

by kwr 3 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • kwr

    Teen brothers remembered at memorial service

    Teens killed in wreck studied to be nurses

    By Scott Travis

    South Florida Sun-Sentinel

    December 30, 2007

    Mourners arrived not only in black dress clothes, but also in purple scrubs, a tribute to two young brothers who dreamed of becoming nurses.

    More than 150 family members and friends gathered at the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, west of West Palm Beach, to pay their respects to Travis Cooke, 14, and his brother, Cruz Benjamin, 17, who lived west of Lantana. The two were killed in a car wreck on Dec. 20, in Boynton Beach, on their way to South Tech Academy, where they were enrolled in a medical program.

    Students in the program wear purple scrubs, and about 40 classmates attended the service in uniform.

    "He died in his scrubs, and the family didn't want to see everyone in black," said classmate Bernadine Valeus, 17, of Boynton Beach.

    The church was decorated with flowers, pictures and written memories.

    Classmate Tia Gosnell, 16, wore a shirt with pictures of the two brothers and the message: "They say memories are golden. Well, maybe that's true. But we never wanted memories. We only wanted you."

    Jehovah's Witness leaders said the two brothers had a strong relationship with the church and with God. Last summer, they spent about 70 hours going door-to-door talking to people about the church.

    "These young men were serious Bible students," said David Smith, a Jehovah's Witness minister and family friend.

    Howard Jordan, who leads the West Palm Beach congregation, told those attending that the brothers' relationship with God can serve as an example to others.

    "We want to use this opportunity to say to ourselves, 'What am I doing to build that type of name with God?'" he said. "If we can use this occasion to improve the name or relationship we have with God, then Cruz and Travis will rejoice even more."

    Veronica Alfonso, a neighbor, said she usually gave Benjamin and Cooke a ride to the bus stop. But she was out of town the day the accident happened. So the two got a ride with a classmate from the school, whom police haven't identified.

    The accident happened as the 1997 Geo Prizm the students were in turned left from Congress Avenue onto Southwest 30th Avenue and into the path of another car.

    "I feel guilty not being there. It could have made a difference," Alfonso said. "I know now I'm going to hug my kids more and tell them I love them every chance I get."

    Scott Travis can be reached at or 561-243-6637.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo,0,4957047.story

    Looking at the original story of the crash, it looks like they died at the scene or were beyond medical help by the time they arrived at the hospital.

  • kwr

    If a JW is a nurse or doctor or other medical worker can they participate in a medical procedure that involves a blood transfusion or a blood draw?

  • ronin1

    We live in Boynton Beach, FL and did not know until yesterday's news that they were JWs.

    However, we are not aware whether blood loss contributed to their deaths.


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