my research into antient hebrews mingling thier blood during covenant......

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95
    In this book, The Miriclle of the Scarlet Thread, Richard Booker outlines the steps ancient hebrews typically followed in making a covenant: ......they exchanged robes.......they exchanged belts.....cut the convenant.......raised the right hand..........mingled their blood.......exchanged names.....made a scar.....stated the convenant terms.........ate the memorial meal......and planted a tree
    The covenant partners raised their right arms, cut their palms and intermingled their blood, while swearing allegiance to each other. Blood represents life; the intermingling represent two lives becoming one.
    As covenant keepers we are adopted into the family of God (Rom 8:15)
    THE BLOOD COVENANT- step 4 Raise the right arm and cut the palm of the hand and clasp each others and mingle your blood saying.............

    please refer to:

    In Joshua 9, Gibeonites decieved Joshua and entered a covenant with him
    Then the representative would be cut ; in some instances the palm of the hand would be cut and the two representatives would clasp hands intermingling their blood. And scripture confirms this in Isiah 49:16 "See I God have engraved you on the palm of my hands" Or in many cases, the wrists of the representative would be cut and the arms (a symbol of strength) would be raised to God as the blood ran down the arm, and the oath of efficacy would be taken. The wrists would then bebrought together. And scripture confirms this method in Isiah 62:8 "The Lord has sworn by His right hand and by his mighty arm" Here, then, is God taking oath by his Omnipotence

    please refer to:

    In mutaul covenant both parties would then cut their own wrists, raise their hands into the air and clasp hands while pointing to heaven making God their witness to this agreement. The intermingling of blood signified the joining of a blood relationship.

    please refer to:

    there are many references to ancient "hebrew blood covenants"

    as far as my research tells me this included ancient hebrew marriage..........

    can anyone tell me what jehovah's witnesses think about this ?

    do they know about ancient hebrew covenant ceromonies ?

  • truthsetsonefree

    To the best of my knowledge the WT has not dealt with this. I had never heard of it until now.


  • JWdaughter

    Interesting. Maybe you could put it on a board that has more current (so called) JWs. Topix Might be an interesting place to post it. I will look forward to seeing it responded to:smile:

  • anakolouthos

    I had never heard of this until your post. This would blow some JW minds for sure. I googled "ancient hebrew blood covenants" and turned up a lot of good info on this. Thanks for sharing your research.

  • fresia

    The scriptures you used don't really say that blood was mixed, sometimes I think one can look for things that will support what we may want to think without actually saying so. Like for example (Isaiah 19:19), was used by Russel to say that the Egyptian Pyramid the bible in stone? (19) In that day there will prove to be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to Jehovah beside its boundary.

    Maybe these cutting of risks and palms to mingle blood was Israelites that left Jehovah, sounds pagan to me.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Thanks for the research. This would probably do good under the "bible research" topic on this board. I think I am going to ask my Mom about this, though I can guess the stock response. I am sure it will go something like this, "that was a special covenant Jehovah had with his people, that was done away with when Jesus came". Or something along those lines.

  • M.J.




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