New Years Resolutions

by AllTimeJeff 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    I have struggled since leaving as to what to do about my JW past. Frankly, I have zero ambition to take on or take down the borg. I always had the burning desire to be "normal". While that won't ever happen (lol) I do want to live a normal life. Probably without kids, but you know, job, mortgage, friends, etc.

    I post on a couple of forums, JWD being one of them. It seems to be a good place to help out. I realize that my past exposed me to a side of the borg few see. And I see a lot of people in pain due to being part of the borg. Some struggle. Others have questions (including some weird ones) that I can answer or at least provide some additional information.

    I also have LEARNED (not a theory) that the bible isn't the word of almighty god. I don't bear thiests any ill will, and I have no plans of being a Sam Harris type where I seek out debates. But on an internet forum like this, I feel I have a responsibility to point out that thiesm is full of holes, and only provides for a multitude more questions then it does answers.

    So my JWD resolutions are

    1. I will offer the best support and exit counseling that I can to current and ex JW's
    2. I will point out the holes of thiestic arguements, although not meaning anything personal towards thiests.
    3. I will try not to let this forum dominate me, and try to live a normal life. (lets face it, this place can get addicting when there are other things we might have to do....)

    I wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • flipper

    ALL-TIME JEFF- Kudos to you Jeff. Two thumbs up my bro! My wife and I have read your story and know what you experienced and went through . I know you went through hell dude. I was born and raised in the witnesses- got out 4 years ago, and have been through my own sufferings also getting out of the org. Thank you so much for being willing to help others with your past experiences you have seen while an elder. I'm sure you will be able to be a big asset and encouraging force on this board ! Peace out my friend, Mr. Flipper

  • outofthebox

    My resolution for this year: Try and post more frequently in this forum.


  • jaguarbass


    Hello Jeff, Happy new Year. I agree with you the bible isnt the word of God.

    Part of me wishes it was, So I could have an anchor or base but reading the book 5 times cover to cover and taking notes, there is no doubt in my mind the bible is not the word of God.

    If by some minisclue chance it was Gods word, looking at his creation, man and earth and his litterary work the bible, one could only conclude he is the God of confusion.

    I would suggest to any theist who thinks the book is Gods word to read it.

    NO Read it. Dont read select spoon fed verses that give you warm fuzzy feelings.

    Read it yourself and take notes and see what your notes and reading tell you.

    Read it cover to cover. Genesis to Revelation.

    Read it without some wolf in sheeps clothing telling you what you just read is supposed to mean.

    About the 4th time Through dont panic when you hear a loud explosion. It is just your head coming out of your Axx.

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