I'm just having some fun with Genesis and the WTS explanation of the issue of universal sovereignty.
One day a powerful God named Jehover got lonely and created other spirit creatures. Since he was an angry bully, he made them spend all their time serving him and talking about what a great and powerful God he was. Eventually, this got kind of boring and Jehover decided that if he made intelligent creatures that were even weaker and more pathetic than the angels, then he would really feel like a great and powerful God. So he came up with a design and realised that he would have to do some preparatory work so that these extremely fragile creatures could survive. It was a bit of a bother, but he spent almost an entire week building a planet to support them. He made a naked man and woman out of dirt, so that he would feel really superior, and placed them in a specially designed garden where they would have all the food they needed.
Well, the angels thought this was just great and complimented Jehover on what a great and powerful God he was compared to his new puny creatures. Then something embarrassing happened. An angel named Satanas got fed up with all this brown nosing. He said, "Just look at how pathetic these creatures are. They can't even take care of themselves. They would be helpless without you and would probably make a mess of everything! If you were really a wise and powerful God, you should be able to make creatures that are stronger and more self sufficient."
If Jehover wasn't so worn out from his work week, he might have just destroyed this trouble maker. Instead, he got very angry and said, "How dare you question my creative abilities! I made these creatures perfectly, so of course they can take of themselves. They don't need me. I'll prove it and make you watch!"
So Jehover put them out of the well tended garden into the area he hadn't spent that much time on. He predicted that they would prosper and succeed in governing themselves. He also claimed that after they became stable and happy that they would still want to serve him because they loved him, not because they needed him.
It didn't take long to prove that Jehover was wrong. They really were pathetic creatures that couldn't even direct their step. They kept fighting and killing each other and generally made a mess of things. Jehover even tried sending some of his angels to earth to have sex with the women in order to make improved humans. (The angels didn't really want to have sex with these dirt creatures, but what could they do?) It didn't work, even the improved hybrids messed everything up. Jehover began to regret that he made men in the first place. One man was in the habit of preaching about what a great God he was, so Jehover had him build a boat for his family and then drowned all the others.
Then Jehover invented information control. He called for a giant heavenly assembly. He had slow hypnotic music, long boring talks, endless testimonials about what a great God he was and dire warnings about the dangers of apostate angels. Then when the angels were about to invent heavenly sleep, Jehover unveiled some marvelous new light! He gave a talk about the situation on Earth. Most of the angels had lost interest in the exploits of these dirt creatures, but Jehover revealed that this was a great test of his universal sovereignty! The evil Satanas had questioned his right to rule and claimed that that these humans would be better off without Jehover. In his love and wisdom, Jehover would give these dirt creatures many more centuries of hardship to prove how inept they were! He would also show that a very small minority would continue to serve him, thereby proving what a great God he was and what a malicious liar Satanas was. Then Jehover thumped the celestial podium with a comet and said in a deep, menacing voice, "And you must stop having relations with those dirt creatures!"
There was a thunderous applause in heaven.
The situation again turned into a bit of an embarrassment. Jehover gave these dirt creatures a book so they would know how to serve him. Alas, the book was confusing and the poor, stupid dirt creatures couldn't figure it out. Instead they started to worship men who claimed that they could explain this mysterious book. By now, Jehover was well rested and realised this whole human experiment was a mistake. Fortunately, he was able to come up with a better invention. He figured out how to make singing worms out of slime. He destroyed all of mankind and filled the earth with obedient, dirt dwelling, slime worms that would sing his praises until time indefinite.