by worf 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • worf

    Hello to all,

    Yesterday we had a thread asking for information about abuses by gb members.

    I responded by posting information concerningDaniel Sydlik. Some have requested copies of this information. I have attempted to e-mail this information to those who requested it, but I am having problems with my e-mail. I have not forgotten you and as soon as this problem is resolved I will resend this information to those who have requested it.

    In the meantime, anyone who would like me to mail it to them by postal mail, I would be glad to do that also. Postage is no problem.

    Your address would be kept strictly confidential. If you choose to, you can pm your address to me through the board.

    Thank you for your patience.


  • hillary_step


    Are you suggesting that you have the court documents pertaining to this case, or just third party information?

    Cheers - HS

    PS - The person that Ted Jaracz was alleged to have abused was Pat Garza, who tragically died some while ago. Please note that no information or evidence, apart from an allegation has ever been produced that in any way substantiates what is a dramatic claim. They supposedly involved Jaracz in a devil-worshipping group of JW's at the highest echelon of the WTS who preyed on children.

  • worf

    Hello hillary_step,

    No. I don't have the court documents. As indicated in yesterdays thread, this information from a third party, a sister who who had been subpoenaed to testify in the case.

    On another note, did we meet at the 2002 protest march?


  • hillary_step

    Hello Worf,

    No, we have not met before.

    The reason I mention court documents is that a search has been made in the past for this actual court case supposedly involving Sydlik among court records and none were found at the time. I wondered whether you had found them, if indeed they exist.

    My own modus operandi is to reserve judgement on third party information in these matters, as too often they have been found wanting. There are many threads on this Board relating to Pat Garza and her claims (use search facility). I am a skeptic over the matter as these threads will evidence.

    Best regards - HS


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