I've visited this board often looking for hard evidence of a major story, but most of what's reported here is misdeamenor type stuff. Other reports are heresay or rumored. Does anyone have some real smoking gun facts? For example, several people have alluded to the Gov. Body members being pedophiles. Can't someone hide a camera up their tookis during one of these orgies? Also, there's been reports of lavsih lifestyles and expensive suares. Can't someone take pictures of Gov. Body members having "all white" parties? Come on people! This section is called 'Scandals & Coverups'! I want mug shots, love children, and sex tapes!
by BEROEAN 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I've visited this board often looking for hard evidence of a major story, but most of what's reported here is misdeamenor type stuff. Other reports are heresay or rumored. Does anyone have some real smoking gun facts? For example, several people have alluded to the Gov. Body members being pedophiles. Can't someone hide a camera up their tookis during one of these orgies? Also, there's been reports of lavsih lifestyles and expensive suares. Can't someone take pictures of Gov. Body members having "all white" parties? Come on people! This section is called 'Scandals & Coverups'! I want mug shots, love children, and sex tapes!
Unless you want to entrap the person or you are conducting a sting operation, usually such things happen in the moment, by consent, or the victim was too powerless to do anything about it at the time.
The victim or witness has to come forward and the police has to do their crime scene invesitation and interrogation - and the police are quite good at it. They know how to get information from liars.
I've always maintaind, even when I was in the JWs, that the elders are totally unqualified to act as police. I think these kinds of matters should be given to the authorities immediately and let the authorities get to the bottom of it. Then let the elders deal with the spiritual rebuilding of the guilty and innocent parties, after, of course, professional services were consulted. (Yes, I've known too many elders that are complete idiots and made matters worse for the people they were supposed to help. The sad thing is that they refuse to admit to their damage and blame the person for not having a "good attitude".)
Oh well! We'll all get through this somehow!
As a former elder, I dealt with one pedophile case where the victims totalled at least 6. One committed suicide. 2 are or were in jail. The others are all alcoholics.The offenses occurred in the 1970's. I hate to tell you this, but this is one of thousands of cases like this where the facts were concealed, those with knowledge were silenced through intimidation, and the pedophile merely received a congregation sanction, but rarely anything legal.
This is criminal activity, and these are criminals. I doubt the families and victims who survive and are grieving to this very day would say that there are no smoking guns. I doubt they would say these are misdemeanor crimes either. Please tell that to the "brothers" I visited in state prison who were convicted of felonies for child abuse, statutory rape, etc.
If you are looking for something "Watergate" like where the media is all over the story, you aren't going to find it.
There are two former Governing Body members who were known homosexuals. Ewart Chitty was kicked out in 1979. Leo Greenlees was dismissed in 1984. The "scandal" is that neither was disfellowshipped, both were given "special pioneer" status, meaning that they could have their basic material needs taken care of for the rest of their lives, which is what happened to both. The hypocrisy is that very often those who are elders in local congregations who make a mistake, or are homosexual are disfellowshipped and shunned without regard to the circumstances. The Governing Body is fond of saying that those in more responsible positions are more culpable. The fact that when one of their own committed gross sins according to their own standards, they took it easy on them, even continuing to pay for their way in life!
I will admit at time that some ex JW's love gossip and rumor and exaggerate often. But that isn't 100% and doesn't in any way negate the very real scandals that have happened and continue to exist.
I want mug shots, love children, and sex tapes!
And odd comment. It made you come accross as sensationalistic to me. If the only proof that will do is through the media, where have you been? Did you miss the recent settlement? The thousands of court papers released by Barbara Anderson? That not good enough for you?