Burdened with a subprime ARM? Get out of it.

by Gregor 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Adjustable Religous Malarky.

    Are todays JW beliefs the same deal you originally agreed to? Now that you have gotten settled in, do you find it difficult to keep up with the changes to the deal? Does it seem fair that you are threatened with foreclosure if you don't keep up on your obligations to them? This could put you on the street with no family or friends.

    When you committed you were told that the contract was set in stone and you had to sign off on every detail. The longer you have been living in this house the more you realize it bears almost no resemblance to the original. You were promised that huge improvements would be made in a short time. Now you've been getting notices that say you must have misunderstood, the improvements are still promised but have been pushed off to a vague time in the indefinite future.

    Maybe it's time to refinance. Sure it's a lot of hassle but life is short. Why deal with this unscrupulous bunch of liars another minute?

  • nvrgnbk

    The refinance process can be overwhelming at times, but it's well worth it in the end.

    Staying in my ARM would have eventually killed me.

    Thanks for reminding religious consumers that they have options.

    Life is short.

    P.S.- I bet you gave one hell of a public talk back in the day, Gregor.

  • RisingEagle

    Gregor that was so great! It sent me immediately to my packet that I received when I signed up to be a jdub. Interestingly to me there were several required documents that were conspicuously absent:

    The 'Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure'. This document outlines that the people you are entering into the ARM with may do business with or as any number of other entities. It goes on to say just because you are signing up for one type of agreement with the ARM people you are in no way required to do other business with their affiliated entities. (For instance if you sign up to be a publisher you don't have to be a pioneer, regular pioneer, bethelite or ms)

    The 'Limited Document Correction Agreement'. By signing this document you allow the maker of the ARM to correct typographical or clerical errors. If you don't sign this one, the package has to stand as signed for all eternity. (I can't find mine so as far as I'm concerned the phrase 'before the generation that saw 1914 passes away' is still valid.)

    The 'Important Acknowledgement Concerning your ARM'. This one outlines exactly what you are signing up for. It lists the term, rate and if your ARM is subject to recission.

    The 'Privacy Notice'. This one documents with whom the ARM people may or may not share your personal information. (Especially handy for anyone facing a jc. If other elders (or their wives) aren't listed on the privacy notice then they can't be privy to your info.)

    Most important is the 'Recission Notice' or 'Right to Cancel'. This document allows you up to three days in which to think about the transaction you've entered into and allows for cancellation if you find something isn't up to your expectations. (I personally would have used this one. After my dunking I was all but forgotten by love-bombing elders and other congo members.)

  • changeling

    I have payed off my mortgage and will NEVER get another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • juni

    Interesting analogy... I believe the bottom line for anything in life is CHOICE. I've made poor choices and good choices. Boohoo and move on. It's up to me to make the difference for myself. That's life.

  • beksbks

    Heheheh LOL Juni! that was such a humorous response............ehe oh................never mind.

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