Jehovah is the creator and deliverer of his people.
This is recognized and stated in his forth commandment.
Ex20:8-11;De5:15. The Sabbath was observed before the
Ten Commandments Ex16:23. The principle was introduced
in the Garden of Eden Ge 2:2,3. Apparently the knowledge
of the Sabbath was there when the languages were confused
at the Tower of Babel, for the word for the seventh day
in so many diverse languages is still a derivitive of
Sabbath {Bulgarian=Subbota, Greek=Sabbaton, Russian=Subbota,
Maba of Central Africa = Sab, Malayan=hari-Sabtu, or Sabbath
Day, Spanish=Sabado, etc} There is ample evidence that first
century Christians recognized the day as holy, a special
time for rest and spiritual interests. Lu23:56;Mt24:20;Lu4:16;
Ac17:2;Ac16;13 {no synagogue here}. This is because the
Sabbath is for man, not just Israel. Mr2:27. Of course, most
of mankind has chosen not to serve their Creator. For thosr
who do, though, Jehovah identifies his people with this day.
Ez 20:20 reference in NWT Jer 17:22. This applies to Ancient
Israel and Spiritual Israel. Ez20:12 reference Ps 147:19
reference Ro9:4.
Jehovah identifies this as his special commandment, certainly
not one to observe in principle only. Ten represents a whole set.
We don't refrain from murder, in just principle only, do we?
Then truly we would want to affirm this commandment's permanent
importence. This commandment has Jehovah's seal, that is, his
name, his authority, and his jurisdiction. He has taken special
note of it's being ignored. Ex20:10,11;Ex31:13 Ez22:8,26;Re 14:12
reference Ec12:13 reference De 6:2;De6:17,20,21 compare De 5:15.
De6:21-25,De5 = the Ten Words. Notice that the commandments
spoken of in Re 14:12 are the ten commandments.
Jehovah's son, Jesus Christ, The Messiah, told us plainly that
the Sabbath was to continue after his death. Note Mt24:20,21.
Da 12:1 is referenced, applying this to our time, so it is not
refering to the likely inconvience of travel on the Sabbath in
Judea at the time.
So there is the evidence that seeps away excuses in the literature
for avoiding this wonderful rest.
On the serious side...
For seventy years now the organization has worn God's personal
name like a school flag. Every personal disgrace and now every
organizational scandal drags that name right down in the mud
with it. Israel didn't even do that. And it has been too haughty
to give him his Sabbath. The child molestation expose and the UN
harlotry revelation are the beginning of woes. The kingdom has
overtaken WT but is still among you. This new wine must have a
new wineskin. It is prepared.
Christian Freedom Movement