Pearl of Great Value

by LateRain 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LateRain

    Jehovah is the creator and deliverer of his people.
    This is recognized and stated in his forth commandment.
    Ex20:8-11;De5:15. The Sabbath was observed before the
    Ten Commandments Ex16:23. The principle was introduced
    in the Garden of Eden Ge 2:2,3. Apparently the knowledge
    of the Sabbath was there when the languages were confused
    at the Tower of Babel, for the word for the seventh day
    in so many diverse languages is still a derivitive of
    Sabbath {Bulgarian=Subbota, Greek=Sabbaton, Russian=Subbota,
    Maba of Central Africa = Sab, Malayan=hari-Sabtu, or Sabbath
    Day, Spanish=Sabado, etc} There is ample evidence that first
    century Christians recognized the day as holy, a special
    time for rest and spiritual interests. Lu23:56;Mt24:20;Lu4:16;
    Ac17:2;Ac16;13 {no synagogue here}. This is because the
    Sabbath is for man, not just Israel. Mr2:27. Of course, most
    of mankind has chosen not to serve their Creator. For thosr
    who do, though, Jehovah identifies his people with this day.
    Ez 20:20 reference in NWT Jer 17:22. This applies to Ancient
    Israel and Spiritual Israel. Ez20:12 reference Ps 147:19
    reference Ro9:4.
    Jehovah identifies this as his special commandment, certainly
    not one to observe in principle only. Ten represents a whole set.
    We don't refrain from murder, in just principle only, do we?
    Then truly we would want to affirm this commandment's permanent
    importence. This commandment has Jehovah's seal, that is, his
    name, his authority, and his jurisdiction. He has taken special
    note of it's being ignored. Ex20:10,11;Ex31:13 Ez22:8,26;Re 14:12
    reference Ec12:13 reference De 6:2;De6:17,20,21 compare De 5:15.
    De6:21-25,De5 = the Ten Words. Notice that the commandments
    spoken of in Re 14:12 are the ten commandments.
    Jehovah's son, Jesus Christ, The Messiah, told us plainly that
    the Sabbath was to continue after his death. Note Mt24:20,21.
    Da 12:1 is referenced, applying this to our time, so it is not
    refering to the likely inconvience of travel on the Sabbath in
    Judea at the time.
    So there is the evidence that seeps away excuses in the literature
    for avoiding this wonderful rest.
    On the serious side...
    For seventy years now the organization has worn God's personal
    name like a school flag. Every personal disgrace and now every
    organizational scandal drags that name right down in the mud
    with it. Israel didn't even do that. And it has been too haughty
    to give him his Sabbath. The child molestation expose and the UN
    harlotry revelation are the beginning of woes. The kingdom has
    overtaken WT but is still among you. This new wine must have a
    new wineskin. It is prepared.

    Christian Freedom Movement

  • ballistic

    I see you have good motives, however God is not not the big kid you make him out to be, he doesn't really care which day you rest, if any. These pedantic rules were made up by men. You must realise that people who accredit God with these kind of irrelevant rules and laws are actually showing disrespect to God. Do you believe this same God is still punishing billions of people for the sake of one apple?


  • SixofNine

    I agree with Ballistic. Late Rain you are a silly person trying to force God into your mold. It's working.

    For seventy years now the organization has worn God's personal
    name like a school flag.

    I see it more like the trampy girl who got ahold of the lettermans jacket once and now won't give it back. But that is just my school analogy, yours' is good too.

  • bjc2012

    Hi Late Rain:

    I enjoyed your comments above. One thought in particular stood out to me that bears repeating.

    For seventy years now the organization has worn God's personal
    name like a school flag. Every personal disgrace and now every
    organizational scandal drags that name right down in the mud
    with it. Israel didn't even do that. And it has been too haughty
    to give him his Sabbath. The child molestation expose and the UN
    harlotry revelation are the beginning of woes. The kingdom has
    overtaken WT but is still among you. This new wine must have a
    new wineskin. It is prepared. -- Christian Freedom Movement

    I agree fully and have made numerous postings on this discussion board like yours above. I think we have something very important in common.

    Please check out the following info posted a few weeks ago by a friend.

    ------post by MDS-----


    After the resolution was adopted to be called & named "Jehovah's Witnesses" as a spiritual nation in July of 1931, it took some time for all of JWs worldwide to get the same information, and resolutely "adopt" it as written, since they were scattered in many different parts of the earth.

    Here is a quote from a publication printed by the WTS that tells exactly how the "historic" adoption was carried out to an earthwide family of JWs scattered thru-out the earth.

    "Needless to say, this resolution was joyously acclaimed by all present [original convention w/Rutherford], and, in the WEEKS THAT FOLLOWED, AT FIFTY EXTENSION CONVENTIONS IN ALL PARTS OF THE EARTH Jehovah's people met to add their joyful voices in the embracing of this remarkable NEW NAME." -- See "Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose" page 126, par. #1.

    So reasonably, it took some time for all of this to be accomplished thru-out the earth, on a global scale.

    In accepting the above "resolution", we must remember it is the singular act of "declaring God Name" to others that brings on the real responsibility before God Almighty. After adopting this new name and designation for themselves, JWs must now continually be found "Living Up to the Name," as one of the older "Kingdom Songs" sung by all JWs worldwide says.

    Jehovah's Witness began doing this, "boasting in the Name" of God, and "declaring the Name" of God, by way of the publication called, "The Kingdom The Hope of the World," which was released in October 1931. Also, in this publication, contained the original "resolution" about the New Name Jehovah's Witnesses had adopted worldwide. They had now began, to "preach the Name" of God to others. -- Psalms 105:1-3; 2 Tim. 2:19

    Here is what the WTS had to say about the actual beginning of their exercising this rare privilege of "Declaring the Name" of God as a united spiritual nation of people, using this new release called "The Kingdom The Hope of the World" thru out the earth. -- Genesis 12:8; Exodus 33:19; 34:5

    "In order that the leaders of the world might be duly notified of this proper designation for Jehovah's people this resolution and the text of Brother Rutherford's convention address were published in the booklet "The Kingdom The Hope of the World." Included was another resolution adopted at the convention, again indicting Christendom for her apostasy and for treating Jehovah's counsel with contempt, and proclaiming: "The hope of the world is God's kingdom, and there is no other hope." During October of that year a campaign was conducted by the congregations to visit every clergyman, politician and big businessman in their territories with this booklet. In just the United States and Canada 132,066 booklets were put out in this way. Within the next few months this booklet reached the homes of FIVE MILLION others in all parts of the earth." -- See "Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose," page 126 par. #2.

    Jehovah's Witnesses began their historic "Preaching" and "Declaring" of God's Sacred Name in October 1931...Exactly 70 Years ago...70 Years of Discipline & Training...70 Years of holding a "sacred trust", being "called by God's Name" and possessing the "framework of the knowledge of the truth." The sacred trust that serves to "sanctify" them, as a consecrated nation to do God's Will. -- See Numbers 6:27; Romans 2:20; John 17:17.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, in October 1931, became...the spiritual nation of "Israel" of Bible Prophecy. A people who would have to endure severe discipline for open rebellion & disobedience to God...being chased off their land, their spiritual "inheritance." A people who would have to be changed spiritually, from a "land of Decoration" which falls off into "apostasy," to finally, a "Mountain of Decoration," a spiritually elavated plateau. A people who, after severe discipline from God, would be granted the privilege of "dwelling in the center [navel] of the earth." -- Daniel 8:13; 11:32, 41, 45; Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 23:19, 20; Micah 4:6,7; Ezekiel 37:23; 38:8-12

    -------end of info----

    As time permits, please contact me by e-mail as soon as possible.



  • Bang

    They have a lot to say for themselves.

  • Yerusalyim

    Late Rain
    Someone's been listening to the Seventh Day Adventist Radio programs, I heard the same one the other day.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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