could my friend have seen some light?

by 4mylove 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 4mylove

    So I'm on the phone with my friend, and to make a long story short, I explain that my brother in law is now not answering phone calls from his sister in reference to my parents in law. They were out of town, and my FIL became ill. The haven't been able to come home for a month now, and my sis in law has been working, her hubby has been working, and yet they have taken on the business while they are gone to be able to keep money coming in to cover medical expenses, while they are out of the country! This holy roller had initially spoken to her but the communication line is tight because she ran away with her BF 2.5 years ago and have been married ever since.

    My friend is shocked because she knows this BIL, and says that there is no scripture, no translation, in any bible that says that you should abandon your family...especially in the time of need. She asked if we had spoken to him, I reminded her that he didn't speak to us either because we lived together before we were married, and I'm not a JW. A few minutes into the conversation she said again the she couldn't believe he was acting like this. I told her that I guessed in his mind he was doing the right thing. She said, "well he's not!"

    Mind you this is someone who also hasn't spoken to her siblings because they are now "worldly", (her justification is that they are just not living right). She asked what his problem was with us (SIL and hubby and me) I reminded her of the history. She said, it's been 3 years!!! I couldn't believe she was saying this because she is very active.

    Just wondering what everyone's take might be. Every little bit helps!

    Thanks again guys!


  • GoddessRachel

    I'm confused. So the friend you were talking to on the phone is a JW? Why was she talking to you in the first place if you are not a Witness and she is?

    Sorry, I'm just confused.

  • 4mylove

    She is a Witness. Has been all her life. We were in school together many many moons ago. We've always been friends. My hubby has been a dub since the age of about 10 I think but has been inactive for about 5-6 years now. He is still in the same mentallity but i believe he has seen glimpses of light. I believe my friend is pretty free spirited according to their standards. Sorry for the confusion.


  • GoddessRachel

    Thanks for clarifying.

    Well I think Witnesses are able to justify certain things when they know they themselves couldn't do it. Or sometimes they are able to be more objective when it is involving someone other than their own family.

    So, let me get this straight... Your friend who thinks it is wrong what your brother-in-law is doing is doing the very same thing to her own family but for different (in her mind) reasons?

    I don't think this much sounds like seeing the light as it does sound like just being able to be slightly more objective regarding a situation that is not her own.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong. This is just my thought process after reading your posts.



  • 4mylove

    Thanks GoddessRachel.


  • GoddessRachel

    You're welcome, 4mylove. I wish there was a better answer. I wish all of our loved ones could just snap out of this nonsense.

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