I have been posting on here for a few months now.
I know sometimes I seem like a mole( had to research that one) and sometimes a WT defender and other times a bit confused.
I feel like I need to make a position statement as I never really introduced myself.
These are the current issues I have:
1. Global Flood.
2. FDS myth
3. Blood transfusions
4. False prophecy
5. Absolute power and discouragement of debate
6. No apologies
7. Absolute control over every aspect of ones life.
8. How we have become a religion, with man made rules, cultural unwritten rules and lack of spirituality in 99% of members.
9. Focus on things, facts and outward appearances and not on personal growth.
10. 144000 being literal.
11. GB asserting themselves as our "ark" and our salvation is dependent on our obedience to them.
12. Jesus and Michael supposedly the same.
Thats about it for now.
Im working though these one by one, trying to find out how I really feel. Points 1,2,3 and 12 I intend to write a letter to bethel for their feedback.
Any other posters that have sent letters on these subjects and have received a response I would really appreciate a copy.
Thats all for now, the jury is out for now, hope to find the answers.
I can almost see the matrix!
by jefferywhat 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have discarded all things taught to me as a child and as a man by man.
In place of long held and cherished beliefs I have opted for personal experience and actual spiritual enlightenment.
I no longer am burdened by the necessity of proving anything or anyone right or wrong. Of what value is there in being right?
We are in fact a conundrum that has it's own answer the moment we begin to look within for all that we seek without.
The quest you find yourself on is a journey to disillusionment and discovery.
If one must prove to themselves what one is born knowing then the journey will be long and arduous indeed , but if one could stop and lay aside this need and just look at the here and now , experience the here and now just as it is ,the pointlessness of proving any point will be made evident in it's own foolishness.
Not that I think disproving garbage is unimportant.
"There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"
Good on ya for the list. It'll all work out in time.
Good luck sorting it all out jefferywhat. It's liberating to know you don't have to ever follow a man again.
You can write a letter to Brooklyn, but their answer will be to study the publications more. That and they will write to your elders to talk to you. Standard Operating Procedure. No questions will be answered, you will get a form letter.
Reverend Warhawk
...Where said findings will also include a nice disfellowshipping letter.
Looks like you are freeing your mind. Be aware that if you write to Bethel they will forward your letter to your local elders, and possibly be the instigation for you being d/f as an apostate.
Here are a couple of links to a letter to Bethel about the UN and the response from a poster on JWD. Each file is about 1MB
http://jwfacts.com/experiences/bjonesunletter.pdf and http://jwfacts.com/experiences/brantjonesunresponse.pdf
Bethel really lays into Brant.
my goodness....the response is so insipid!
I would have thought that if one states that they are a witness, have and are serving and want to stay faithful to the WTBTS that he would be treated with respect, he got shut down and basically told he needed help.
That actually scares me.
Is he still a witness?
The constant insistence that they are the only ones with the answers is so 1553!!
God help me.