Shortly before I began fading I was in a car group when a person was telling me about a diet they were going to do. They started mentioning all kinds of scriptures and completely misapplying them. I know this person, and they have a history of doing this in the past, so I said "Seriously, you shouldn't twist the scriptures like that." She said "What? I was just reading out of the Awake!." Boy, that was an awkward situation. [True Story]
Funny Car Group Story
by LayingLow 6 Replies latest social humour
Ha ha, that must have been Very awkward!
I had a car group run from me when they saw me pull into the gas station, does that count?
Me and mate were out with our respective Mums doing some rural territory and he had pulled over to the verge to let them out.
As he was about to pull away he asked me if I had mastered the black art of wheelspin yet. Clearly a muddy soft Scottish winter roadside would be a good demonstration area so he gave the engine a bit of revs and let the clutch up....
2 nice big gobs of mud flew up from the wheels and hit his Mum as we drove off 'none the wiser' - ye right...we were wetting ourselves for a good 10 minutes on that one....
My buddy and I (manly 16 year olds at the time) were walking out in field service. Now my buddy styles himself a bit of an expert in animal husbandry and management, he has a dog after all. "I'll never let any animal back me down - they can smell fear, all you gotta do is not be afraid and stand up to them, stare them in the eyes, and they'll back down."
In the next 30 seconds the big Gernam Shepherd from the next house comes around the corner. My buddy is now crouched on the hood of a Ford Pinto, the dog racing around barking at him, while I'm standing on the sidewalk trying to figure out if I should walk over and grab the dog's collar.
The householder then comes around the corner and calls the dog off.
some friends of mine were out in some seriously rural territory....... the kind where you have to get out and open gates and drive for miles and then you usually find half a dozen houses........
well the opened the gate and traveled for about five minutes and a truck passes them going the opposite direction.......... they thought nothing of it............. went to the end of the road about 10 miles or so........... there were two houses and some barns............ all behind a wall with an electronic gate...... no one answered the intercom so they turned around and headed back the way they came................. got to the gate back onto the main road............... the guy in the truck and opened the gate and went through it........... then shut it and LOCKED IT WITH A HUGE CHAIN AND PADLOCK.......... lol
unfortunately the brother driving the car had a full tool set in the trunk includeing a 4 foot pair of boltcutters.......... so they got out but it woulda been funny as hell if they were stuck there untill the guy in the truck came home lol.
In the next 30 seconds the big Gernam Shepherd from the next house comes around the corner. My buddy is now crouched on the hood of a Ford Pinto, the dog racing around barking at him, while I'm standing on the sidewalk trying to figure out if I should walk over and grab the dog's collar.
LOL. I almost fell over on that one.
Burger Time
One time me and a friend went to the door where a women with a facial hair answered. This lady had a 5 o'clock shadow like you wouldn't believe. We got back to the car and just busted out laughing. It still ranks as one the most bizarre things I saw out in service.