I received my KM yesterday and was studying the numbers since it has been such a hot topic on here for several weeks.
Here is my take. Many lands have say 5 - 40 publishers and if say 2 - 6 leave or are DA or DF'ed that land then they report a 15 - 25% decline in publishers.
Conversely, if 2 - 6 publishers come to a land to live or are babtised then a 15 - 25% increase is reported.
I believe the society takes all of the lands percentage of increase and averages them using the basic formula to give them the 3% increase claimed this year.
If those lands, where there are only minimal publishers present, are removed from the formula wouldn't it give a more accurate picture of the total percentage of increase or decrease within the majority?
You could even give them their own little line and average them in that way. I believe those smaller country's percentage of increase skew the majority.
Has anyone worked this out? I don't have it here with me at work or I would do it myself.