I never lied so much as when I was a Jehovah's Witness.
It started at Bethel, when a Bethel Overseer asked me to agree with his opinion, when I knew it wasn't right....."fear of man"...funny term "fear of man." It seems the only time I really had it, is when I was afraid of the "men" in "God's organization."
You have their "party line." Opinions outside of that are not excepted. Your friends, Your JW wife, Your JW family...They all want you to repeat the "party Line."
They want you to raise your hand at the Watchtower study...and answer. They want you to shuffle the words around and speak the party line back to them...they want you to repeat their words. The last thing they really want to hear....is your different ideas!
So you read a book, your not supposed to be reading...Or go to a "R" rated movie, Or you, God forbid, question some new light.
They take you in the back room and ask you what you "really" believe in. Unless you start dancing your about to lose your wife, kids, friends and family....So my friends the lies begin. You just loss some of your soul.
To save your friends and family's feelings you sacrifice yours...and why? You say you don't want to put them through the pain and hurt of them knowing how you really feel. So you lie and bury your truth.
Years, later I found out it was MY feelings I was protecting. I was afraid of their disapproval. I had "fear of man." I lied and hated them for it...The biggest lie there is?....The one to yourself. If your willing to lie to save yourself (or your feelings) you have loss the most important thing there is, your own integrity.
After leaving I made a vow to myself, not to lie...no matter what the consequences. It has cost me many times. in money and relationships. It has not been easy...somethimes I have failed.
But if you can't live in your own truth whose truth and you live in?
Your thoughts please.