I had a couple of Witnesses at the door.An old man (ovbiously an elder and totally under the influence of watchtower doctrination.The other a very pleasant young sister late teens)
My initial responce was GOODBYE but thanks for calling. Then I thought of young sister. so I asked a question. Do you read the bible? bla bla bla the conversation continued and the New World Translation was praised I was assured admired by the best bible experts in the world.
A simple question I asked was "Do the translators of the N:W:T. claim they translated from the origional Greek and Hebrew". (According to page 5 of there bible they do)
The reply was yes but they are to modest to give there names. I accepted this and said I would you kindly come back when I will have the names of the translators and there qualifications of the Greek and Hebrew language.
They didnt come back. Iam glad I really am not interested in debating with witneses. But I hope the young sister questions why they didnt come back.
Its important to add my manner and approach was both open and friendly.So whilst Iam no longer interested I was saddened that people can be so afraid of honest questions.