I was thinking something. The other day, a poster had a good suggestion in watching the .org in seeing what they change on its site. Well, on that thought, something (maybe the Holy Spirt ) gave me a very interesting thought. the world wide web as great as it is in sending information to a zabillion people at one time, can deceive just as many people. I'll try to state this so it makes sense not only to me, but to all of you reading this too. Right now my mind knows what it means but my fingers can't talk right now. lol Okay, so the JW's have their own bible translation hard copy and online. The society knows that lurkers read the net and maybe even their online bible. Maybe, just maybe the org will try to pull a fast one and change up their online bible version a little to make it seem correct. If you think about it, is possible. Then they can change it up anytime they want to, who'd know? The changes would be so subtle, yet so wrong. Since a lot of JW's don't read their whole bible anyway, they may not even notice the change.
This post is probably making a lot of you scratch your head and say "what" . If I can rethink my thoughts I'll come back and fix this up a little. Unless it makes sense now. lol