They are so cheap, you could by two, 'cause everybody knows it's best to have two "tatas"!
Sorry, couldn't resist...
by changeling 6 Replies latest jw friends
They are so cheap, you could by two, 'cause everybody knows it's best to have two "tatas"!
Sorry, couldn't resist...
'cause everybody knows it's best to have two "tatas"!
Duh, one for each hand....
"Tatas! They're Bodacious!"
That one I give for free to any advertising writer...
Too bad Tata isn't planning on selling it outside of India. It would be a fun little car to putter around in the city. And imagine all the fun mods you could come up with for it.
Actually, you could be seeing something from the Tata line stateside in a few years. They just bought Jaguar!
Imagine, a former Colony owning one of the former Elites of the British Empire! Oh, wait, that already happened...Ford is the former owner.
If the dingbats cant tax you at the gas pump, they will figure out how to tax the air you breathe.
I think it will be a big boost to India's economy