I remember one time I was sitting there and the speaker said "See, men were'nt meant to have long hair. It's not as full as women's etc., thin and scraggly" When right next too me was this blind "study," Asian guy, with maybe the best hair, long, I'd EVER seen. Another time, we were going thru the infamous "Disco" issue of the awake during the service meeting, and they said "Disco is so prevalent that there's even a GROCERY store called disco now!!" The morons did'nt realize that "Disco" stood for "Discount" and had been around for decades.
Bullcrap heard from stage, in mags, etc.
by avishai 2 Replies latest jw friends
It would take a 30 volume set of encyclopedias written in microscopic print to log down even one hundreth of a percent of all the bullcrap that is related from the stage and in the mags.
They'll say whatever fits their agenda at the time and try to make it fit.
The funniest thing I ever heard was a CO who said that the kingdom hall was the "happiest place on earth".
I thought that was "disneyland?"