This video is great. Made me a little sick to my stomach remembering what it was like to have that epiphany you been lied to.
Video Mormons Vrs DNA Great information to have in your arsenal
by skyking 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Im wondering when our Mormon friends will comment. I didnt get an answer when I asked some questions about why not even one artifact has been found or one city found out of 38 cities mentioned in th ebook of mormon.
My conclusion so far is the book of mormon is a fake.
OK... so here's a Former Mormon comment for you... Yes, the Book of Mormon is a fake. DNA is but one of many nails in the coffin for the BOM. It is interesting to note that a couple months ago, newer editions of the BOM (doubleday) had a SIGNIFICANT change in the preface to the BOM. The sentence was regarding how the indians or "Lamanites" were the PRINCIPAL ancestors of the indians. The wording has been changed to say that they are AMONG the ancestors of the indians.
There was no announcement of the change. When it happened, POST MORMON groups saw it quickly and internet fanfare MADE the church acknowledge the change. Now they are saying "we knew all along that people migrated across the bearing straits. This isn't anything new". Of course this is complete bullcrap and a turn of doctrine. For over 170 years, we heard one story, now they are trying to spin and make it another story. In another 100 years, if the church is still around, I suspect the line will be that the BOM is a good instructional story --not attached to ANYTHING historical. How we spin to get there will be interesting.
The FLDS church (polygamist headed by Warren Jeffs) is an offshoot. Recently Warren confessed he never was a prophet. Search for it on youtube. With video clips of a "prophet" denying his office, you would think the church would dissolve overnight... not so. Cog diss is strong. I am convinced god himself can come down, say it's crap, and people would show the next week for meetings.
Glad to have you here!! My mother was baptized as a mormon last month. I live almost 2 hours from her and don't see her that much but stay in contact by phone and internet since I work a lot.
After my experiences with the borg Im religioned out. Once you see through one you see through them all. However, I couldn't get over the gullibility of my mother and now my sister is even being taken in by the mormon teachings.
Seems the LDS do just like the WT does, change the wording without telling anyone and hope no one catches it, and then spin it if they do. Funny how the former members are the ones that usually catch this stuff. I think they read and study the church's publications more than the members do.
Thanks for the post.
I'm sorry for your loss. I think it's the cowpox /smallpox thing. My smallpox(Mormonism) vaccinated me against your cowpox (JW WT) and vice versa. If you accept that, then you could say that the cowpox (JW) is a bunch of BULL, and that Mormonism is far more deadly. Like smallpox, wouldn't it be nice to one day see the complete demise of the Moron religion?