someone i know whos mum is a jw said that her mum told her that alot of jws had written to bethel to ask why porter had not been disfellowshipped by the org and apparently they have been told that he was not a jw when he actually abused the children and that when he was asked to be an elder he was asked if there was anything he would like to confess to which is when it all came out , the org have also said that it was all a long time ago so thats why they did nothing ! well the man that abused my child had abused other children "a long time ago" but it did not stop him doing it again . does anyone on here know if it is true that the org are telling members that he was not a jw at the time he abused children because i believe he has been one all his life? also im sure it makes the victims and their familys furious when people say "oh that was all a long time ago" the long term affects of abuse are dreadful .
michael porter was not a jw while he was abusing children apparently!
by looloo 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Typical JW spin, he is DFed now, so he doesn't count. It has been done many times before to Cover Their Arse.
What you heard from your friend doesn't square with news reports. See,,2155269,00.html
It says there:
Michael Porter, 38, used his trusted position as a prominent Jehovah's Witness to prey on youngsters, many of them children of members of the church.
A respected member of the church in Somerset, Porter regularly babysat for youngsters, took them on holiday and invited them for sleepovers at his home.
and from
A Jehovah’s Witness who used his position in the Church to sexually abuse young children walked free from court yesterday.
Michael Porter was entrusted with children as a ministerial servant of the church in Clevedon, Somerset. At Bristol Crown Court yesterday he admitted 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on children, one of whom was an 18-month-old baby, over 14 years
And on how allthis came to light:
He handed himself in to police in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, last October, after one victim went to leaders of the Portishead Jehovah's Witness church, where he and his family were members.
yes thats what i thought too. me thinks that bethel telling porky pies !!!!! do you reckon jws actually fall for it though , surley not . i would love to talk to tina hughes , his sister .
Bethel are excellent with 'Porkies',
IF he wasn't an elder when he abused children,
he certainly rocketed through the ranks to eldership and being a trustee of the charity!
AND at Head Office! to boot.
Theocratic Warfare at its best!
The WTBTS is full of lying BS!
me thinks that bethel telling porky pies !!!!! do you reckon jws actually fall for it though , surley not .
Only the JW's who actually care to investigate will resist believing the lying JW/organizational spin. I reckon most JW's want to believe their organization is pure as the driven snow and would never lie to them.