Thoughts of a 16 year old...

by OMG! Now What? 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OMG! Now What?
    OMG! Now What?

    I was telling my daughter about Ray Franz and that I'm going to get his book. After she read a little of his bio, she asked me the following question:

    "If someone is disfellowshipped, shouldn't every evidence of that person be put away, thrown out or destroyed so there is no evidence of their existence and no one can think of him or associate him with the organization?"

    Leave it to our children to see the truth in something. She asked me that question because the WTBTS is still using and distributing the Insight book except it wasn't known as that before he was df'd. But then, she told me that the WTBTS probably changed the name of the publication in an attempt to try to forget that Franz helped write it.

    What's your take on this?

  • leftbelow

    Smart Kid

  • flipper

    OMG- I think they kept the name of the publication the same that he helped write - but just dissed Ray Franz and others in the early 1980's as " rebellious apostates " who did too much independent thinking. The Watchtower society did not name him by name, however I think, ( someone correct me if I'm wrong here) ,but in a Watchtower they announced that some had been dismissed from Bethel in 1981 . However don't let that bother you- Ray Franz is the most humble man the governing body ever had on it ! His book is quite revealing- it changed everything for me , and I was raised a witness- was in 44 years ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Farkel

    :Leave it to our children to see the truth in something. She asked me that question because the WTBTS is still using and distributing the Insight book except it wasn't known as that before he was df'd. But then, she told me that the WTBTS probably changed the name of the publication in an attempt to try to forget that Franz helped write it.

    :What's your take on this?

    She is a brilliant! Ray Franz had a major hand in the "Aid to Understanding" book. When he was DF'd the society made a few minor changes and called it the "Insight on the Scriptures" book. It is basically the same book. Ed Dunlap wrote by himself the "Commentary on the Book of James" the ONLY Bible commentary published by the WTS in its entire history. When he was DF'd the WTS withdrew that book from publication and circulation.

    These books were "spirit directed" when Franz and Dunlap wrote them. For some strange reason, they "lost" their "spirit direction" when both of them got booted from the WT Printing and Religious Lies Propaganda Corporation, even though the books had not changed!


  • SirNose586

    She is a brilliant! Ray Franz had a major hand in the "Aid to Understanding" book. When he was DF'd the society made a few minor changes and called it the "Insight on the Scriptures" book. It is basically the same book. Ed Dunlap wrote by himself the "Commentary on the Book of James" the ONLY Bible commentary published by the WTS in its entire history. When he was DF'd the WTS withdrew that book from publication and circulation.

    These books were "spirit directed" when Franz and Dunlap wrote them. For some strange reason, they "lost" their "spirit direction" when both of them got booted from the WT Printing and Religious Lies Propaganda Corporation, even though the books had not changed!


    My dad really likes the Commentary. I debated whether or not to tell him, when we had our confrontation about CoC and all that noise, that it was written by one who is now considered apostate. I eventually decided to say nothing.

    However, I'm sure the opportunity will present itself for me to tell him.

    It might not be easy to prove it.....the whole "authorless" issue and whatnot...

  • dogisgod

    I think this whole "authorless" business is just another stupid way of making people think it is written by God. It is also a huge way of sidestepping responsibility/lawsuits.

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