A friend of mine went for a job interview and she was asked to write about herself as a brand, give herself a logo..., it got me to thinking of me, and what "brand" and logo I am.
My brand name is: SweetLou (logo Big S with a small Capital L starting from halfway down) with a dragon entangled around it. The letters of the logo would be a golden rich yellow, outlined with a "thick enough to see" fire orange, and the dragon blue.
Why SweetLou: it was a nickname given to me by my brothers' friends - not necessarily denoting sweetness as we know it - taste and personality. It had something to do with me being such a cool sister. I am by no means ""cool"" as society dictates coolness. I'm 100% me. No dilution at all. No extra bits and pieces to ""make"" me. I'm the cliche'd What you see is what you get. Inner confidence perhaps?? The fact that I like who I am?? No pretences what so ever. I speak my mind, but never force my opinion, I disagree politely, I laugh out loudly and with gusto, I cry heartfelt tears be it in sadness or true joy.
Why the colours: Yellow is a happy colour, it pictures the sun giving warmth after a cold winter, it nutures and helps things grow, it's the colour of a beautiful sunflower, it makes you WANT to smile. That again is ME. The orange & dragon signifies the inner fire, strength, courange - the blue of the dragon - is the calming colour - the colour of relaxation.
My brand: Strong, exciting, real, confident, yet cool and calm under pressure.
How do you see yourself?