So, my neighbor comes home from his family visit and gives me a gift for Christmas, it was belated. He had visited Cuba and gave me a hand carved peace sign, you know the kinds that look like a human hand?
I was thinking about my childhood, where we used to see those things in the Mall and Mom would say, "we don't make signs with our hands, do we children? We're Jehovah's Witnesses". It started me thinking that the JW's do this to make them special, to stand out. THey do this becasue they're morons and really not special at all... the only thing they're special at is closing their minds.
I can think of many more absurd things they JWs do just to stand out from other religions, I was hoping that some of you might be able to remind me of them. But I also thought of what makes us special, what really makes us all here it is...
If you can go through life having loved, made l love, seeing beautiful things, laughing, sharing, crying, and all the things that all of us do, then we are seeing the world in our own special way, through our own eyes... and that's freaking special.... but we all do whenever you think that you're so damned special, just remember while you're sitting on the throne, that smell coming off you places you (and me) directly in the same boat... you're no better than me, no more special than me, and I'm not any better or special than you.... so wipe your ass and enjoy the day!
Making absurd rules that keep you from expierencing this life that God above (whomever it is) gave us all to enjoy so you can keep up the false facade that you're better than everyone else is utter bullshit.... yuo've just cheated yourself out of an expierence that you could've enjoyed... sad really...
what do you all think?