...there's gonna be kids, people just on the way into the Troof, people just on the way out, a whole mish-mash of decisions and commitments and changing minds and innocents. A difference of 5 minutes will save some and daestroy others.
Just how does making Armageddon happen in one year versus 100 years versus 1000 years change anything? "So that all may come to know Jehovah"? Nonsense. Things will always be in flux, there will always be kids.
Wiping out Sodom and Gomorrah got me to thinking about that. OK, there was not one righteous man, and so Jehovah destroyed the entire populations, including all the kids. What about those kids?
But, the wise JW might say, Jehovah can resurrect the kids in the New Order.
But, I say:
1) He can do that right now - destroy the entire world and just resurrect the kids and those whose heart conditions are right. And:
2) What if the kids grow up and start sinning again?
Armageddon could have happened decades ago - why draw it out? The only difference is that we have a few more billion people.
And if we're all here just so that a few more billion people can come on the scene, then it only makes sense that Armageddon will NEVER come because there will ALWAYS be more people to come on the scene.
I know! What we really need is prophecy that tells us about how Armageddon will come when the Chamber of Guf empties! At least Jewish mysticism makes sense!