I noticed on Ebay a 1910 Assembly Report is on auction. Why is there a great demand on auctions for these old WT.publication? The pictures are quite interesting in that listing, but wouldn't they contain old light information? Just wondering .............
International Bible Student's 1910 Convention Report on Ebay
by Invetigator74 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Historical value.
History sometimes will jump start the JAYDUBYA's mind into action and then...
They join us on the board.
In my humble opinion I believe more and more people leaving the organization and the newer ones and apostates are always interested in older literature and memorbilla, I for one am a big fan of finding older literature. It wakens up in the minds of the new ones and those who have left and have no access to this literature are eager to find out the old ways of thinking in the WTS and then their continual flip flopping.
For example with respects to blood issues, and intellectual thinking persons verses the stupidity of Russell saying that, the Black race are not a smart as white people. Their brains insisted were of completely different shapes I do believe he infered primative man or primates. But see how stupid it was thinking like that and then printing it. Wow talk about prejudice and racial motivated. He foot the bill. Then his stupid rules on medications. Do you know it was fround upon to seek help from professional doctors and psychiatrists. Talk about being a moron. Or the Miracle Wheat, that always makes me laugh.
People are interested in know ing this and when they find an older piece of literature it is like finding a gold mind.
I have many older publications from Russell and Rutherford.
I just love the excuse the Society used in making a special home for the socalled "ancient worthies", like give me a break the guy just wanted to live in the lap of luxur y. This is the norm when ever you visit Bethels and Missionary homes all over the world and see what luxuries these brothers have.
I recollect on CO saying people in the truth have no time for hot spas, or swimming pools and sauna's the best cars so late into the end of this system of things. But hey visit the Canadian Branch let me tell you they have every luxury for them in Bethel. Pools hotspas, tennis courts, and volley balll and hops for basket ball and they tell us no we can't afford to own these items we are suppose to be busy in the work of preaching and teaching. While they bask in glory.
That is why new persons and exjw are interested in getting the drivel on the Society so they can enlighten the rest of the world.