How is an unsigned, no return address letter "setting" you up? | |
Message | I said send an unsigned letter without address to teach your friend. That way your identity would stay unknown. How is that setting you up? Now as to "who" I am, I don't know who you are either. Is that bad? Lots of us don't want it known who we are. It's said the Watchtower has attorneys checking this board everyday, trying to find some kind of way to cause problems. You will find beside ever username posting that the ISP (Internet Service Provider) address is given as a series of numbers and letters. This means the owner Simon knows the ISP or unique location of every person who posts on his board. It tells not only nation but specific computer. You jumped onto me publicly on the board where I am not able to defend myself by posting as it would reveal my own ISP. If you have any other such remarks about me or anybody else then you can address us directly. My email is walterbrown2008 at If you do want to be fair, prove it by posting this message on the board in the thread where you attacked me. |
How is an unsigned, no return address letter "setting" you up?
by freedomfighter 5 Replies latest jw friends
Previous message from "Walter Brown".
I jumped on you in public, now i am appologising in public.
Yes we do not know each other that is true. You seemed like a hounder to me. I seem like an a$$ to you.
My only excuse is that i do not trust anyone at this point. I question everything now, because i never use to.
No hard feelings from me.
Freedom Fighter and Walter Brown,
I am puzzled. Walter Brown you seem afraid of being discovered, that's OK.
By clicking on a poster's name, you get his profile, with comments if the poster made any.
I see that freedom fighter is from Australia, are you from there also?
Are you looking for a real live person to communicate with, without risk?
If you want to send someone a private message, then click or hold your cursor over his name, and then click on send message follow the rest of instructions.
Edit out the guy's email address if he is on the downlow. DO IT NOW!
How do i edit this post?
Will do as advised.......