1893-"Thy Word Is Truth"--A Reply to Robert Ingersoll's Charges Against Christianity--PDF! BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable R=Reduced from 1.8MB to 1MB This is the "revised" tract consisting of 46 pages.
- 1881 The Tabernacle and Its Teachings 96 pages
- 1891 Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices C. T. Russell, 104 pages
- 1891 The Wonderful Story 60 pages, leatherette cover, illustrated
- 1892 The Divine Plan of the Ages for Human Salvation 64 pages
- 1893 Thy Word Is Truth - A Reply to Ingersol 116 pages booklet, copyrighted in 1892, revised reissued in 1893
- 1894 Harvest Siftings 32 pages
- 1895 Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices C. T. Russell, 104 pages, copyrighted 1891, reprinted in 1895
- 1896 Outlines of the Divine Plan of the Ages 48 pages
- 1902 The Parousia of Our Lord 78 pages