I came across this truck last week in Lousiana could use one of these when people get on my rear end...
How to stop tailgaters...
by zeroday 7 Replies latest jw friends
This reminds me, I used to have a car with little metal tubes where the windshield washer solvent came out. The idea was to allow you to bend them slightly to aim the stuff better. This was my first car, I was 16....
I aimed the passenger-side one to shoot over my car. So when I got tailgated, I could shoot them with windshield washer fluid!
Good times, good times...
another more accessible idea is Brake! scares the out of 'em.
Mr Brinjen a couple years back added a little button on the dashboard that was connected to the brake light in the back window. Press on the button, it looks to the tailgater like you're braking. Made them back off real quick!
Not 100% sure if it was legal...
Oh, lol - I thought you were talking about tailgating parties, you know, a keg in the back of a pick-up before, during and after the Big Game. Around here they squashed the 'fun' by prohibiting alcohol on the premises.
AA - that's hilarious! And clever!
Yeah, I flash my brake lights a few times - usually people don't realize how closely they're following and back right off. It's one of my pet peeves, especially when road conditions are wet or slick.
That's smart of Mr. Brinjen - then you don't have to reset the cruise control. Don't know why it'd be illegal.... I wish mine had interchangeable messages I could flash in the center brake light, like 'BACK OFF!', 'PASS ME' and 'AHEADA U!' My cute little car wouldn't look so hot with those Yosemite Sam mudflaps, but I love 'em - "Back off ya varmit!" lol
Good picture, I love it.
Maybe a bumper sticker that says: "I'm a Jehovah's Witness counting time." That would explain the slow drive. :) -
If ya don't have the big gun and have insurance - Jam on the brakes, yank up the handbrake.
My boss did this a few years ago. ( His car was a Sh*t box though ).