and holy shite what an interesting ceremony. Talk about a lot of tradition. And standing. up down up and down again. And I have never knew that it was tradition to go before the statue of Mary and ask for her help in marriage. After my upbringing, and all my research since my exodus from the borg, I consider myself very accepting of all belief systems, although I have to say there are just some silly things that go along with beliefs. I'm sure all religions have silly things about them, and I got a prime display of the Catholic side of things on Saturday.
Went my first ever Catholic wedding this weekend...
by feenx 8 Replies latest jw friends
they are very long... i just went to one in october
Mrs. Witness
Ahhhhh, yes, genuflecting. I remember when I went to my first Catholic service. I told my boyfriend at the time that if I'd known that we were going to be exercising during the service, I would have worn my sweats....
I find the Catholic pomp and ceremony to be a refreshing change from the sterile Kingdom Hall... Plus, the preist wont bug you if you miss the service meeting and school for months on end.
you thought catholic weddings are strange? Wait till you see one from New Papua or Guinea! lol
I have been to 2 in Mexico City and they were wonderful events.
In the afternoon, those who went to confession earlier are, later in the afternoon during the ceremony, to eat the bread. The Rev. said each time: Cuerpo de Cristo. Body of Christ. During the ceremony you are to sing and recite. I could only mimic because of the language barrier.
Near the end of the ceremony the Rev. ask to get to know your neighbours. Imagine total strangers walking towards you with a smile an a warm greeting. It seemed so sincere. Imagine looking at this green eyed 6foot tall stranger(me) and still offering a warm greeting.
The receptions are lavish and last 'till about 3 am.
So you understand, the Catholic faith is engrained into individuals as early as 3. They must learn all the songs, and wording off by heart. Everyone there understands what is to happen next. Like Choreography.
Too bad the Watchtower is dull as dishwater. If they could eliminate all the shunning and other bs, they might be able to increase their numbers substantially. Lucky us they don't.
They are so long!
I went to my first Cathloic wedding in October.I had the best time.I love the service and the whole way the did it.Much better then a KH wedding.
Wordly Andre
I had a Catholic Wedding, was only a little over an hour long?? I've been to JW weddings that were about the same. Yes Catholic's have lots of tradition what do you expect for a religion that has been around 2,000 years.