My new Service Meeting Part

by Mindchild 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Dear Friends…it must have been the fierce geomagnetic storm that did this to me tonight but I just got into a mood to prepare my Service Meeting part right now and here and I thought I would share it with you:)

    Hope you enjoy it...

    How Impo'tant Is Apostate Dudeship?

    “No joker is an island.” Dat statement by some 17d-century poet reminds us about some basic human need—dudeship. Jes hang loose, brud. Our online apostolic associashun fills dis need. In whut beneficial ways ya' ax'? In de online chat one uh de fo'emost benefits be de way our apostate sisters 'site da damn do'mant male 'es-dub’s sexual imaginashun and reminds him uh why it be impo'tant t'get laid on some regular basis.

    In line wid dis pattern, when we kick bro Fred Hall’s and You's Know’s asses when we is in de main fo'um, we 'espuh'ience da damn indescribable joy uh hangin' some great public service. As we carry out our associashun togeder, de intelligence, wittiness, and lust uh our companions infuse us wid amazement and renew our zeal. Fo' sucka'al help our online broderhood be also some source uh encouragement and guiboogie fo' copin' wid annoyin' Witnesses and resistin' de temptashun t'kidnap and dehonky code every Witness we know, so cut me some slack, Jack. Our apostate associates may call t'our attenshun waaay coo' oppo'tunities t'pick down hot babes and waaay coo' dudes dat match our sucka'al interests. Dey may even rap kindly in our behalf, plum as we sometimes do fo' dem. WORD! And certainly dis baaaad 'esample motivates us in livin' our lives t'de fullest and tells us about baaaad restaurants t'try. Slap mah fro!

    In de postin's, de blessin' uh apostate dudeship be enjoyed when we eyeball how oda' apostates stick deir feet in deir moud too and make complete honkyfools uh demselves fum time t'time, as we do. 'S coo', bro. De info'mashun we find here be rich in 'esamples uh whut not t'do wid yo' life, and our presence at da damn discussion bo'd keeps us on our toes t'snatch advantage uh any sucka screwin' down. Dese online gaderin's cut us oppo'tunity t'hear our apostate pals 'espress deir ideas, sto'ies, bummed times, wheda' from de status uh newbie o' empuh'o'. Our bond uh dudeship deepens when we meet each oda' in sucka' and especially when we dig laid. Such occasions affo'd us oppo'tunities t'relate our own erotic 'espuh'iences. Our sucka'alities is affected in some positive way when we associate freely wid dose who love wild sex, science, rashunal dinkin', waaay coo' recipes, and some bea' o' two (well maybe 20 beers). We need our apostate associates. Widout dem, walkin' on de freeway leadin' t'a great life would be mo'e difficult. Man! Wid deir love and encouragement, however, we kin continue on toward kickin' Bo'g ass.

    yo' JIBE broder, Skippuh'

    "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein

  • kilroy


  • Cowboy

    Skipper,er uh Skippuh,

    Way cool talk,dude.


    We ride and never worry about the fall
    I guess that's just the cowboy in us all

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think you've proven that geomagnetic storms are NOT to be taken lightly.

    "An inspired talk... Brother Mindchild was speaking in tongues, bearing witness to the quarks."

  • PopeOfEruke

    I think you should seriously consider finding where the storm is now,
    and running through it backwards....


  • Mindchild

    Aww, you guys are way too cool! Too bad you couldn't see all the gestures that went with it:-)


    "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein

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