When I studied with the JWs, the first lady studied with me a few months. Then, all of a sudden.....SWITCH-A-ROO.....I was "dropped" by "Lady #1" and told I had to take "Lady #2". The reason was that I needed a "more mature person" to be my guide. I hadn't thought about that in years.... But, I was talking with my sister. She said that the same thing happened to her. What's up with this? Is it common practice to switch publishers on a bible study?
Switch-a-roo Publishers on Bible Studies?
by skeeter1 7 Replies latest jw friends
It happened to me for a while, then the original guy took me back later on. At one time, pioneers needed to have at least one study to qualify to remain on the list (or new pioneers to get on the list). So if one pioneer had several studies and an aspiring pioneer had none, they would often give one to the newbie who needed it (or to the more experienced pioneer who just wasn't producing). Sort of like socialism applied to field service.
troubled mind
I had a study with a young woman that was friends with my son . One of the Elders wanted his pioneer daughter to study with her instead so he forbid me to continue the study ! He tried to say it was because I would have conflict of interest because of my sons friendship with her . The student didn't like his barbiedoll of a daughter and didn't want to change ,but that didn't matter to him . So this student ended up studying with me on the down low and studying with pioneer barbie too ! Poor kid...... She finally fled the cult and has never come back ( smart girl ) I still see her once and awhile and show interest in her life just as I originally had .
Yeah, I once had an elder approach me take over a BS with a guy who had been to the meetings a few times and I had met him. The elder gave some reason for the Turn Over that I don't remember but I accepted. Turned out I was having a BS with the weired Dr. Strange. He was real good about coming to meetings and I soon observed that he had a barely concealed x-ray eye for the young women in the cong. He was a very passive Bible study and agreed with everything but I began to realize I was being shined. I became convinced after several months that his interests were all about pussy shopping at the Kingdom Hall. I dropped him with no regrets.
Sometimes the older pioneers will "steal" the studies by convincing a "less experienced publisher" that they are unqualified. Then they will "help them out" and take over. Happens often.
Happens quite often. I was given a study from a pioneer sister: three rambunctious kids in a messy house. It was fun at first....then tedious...then they moved away with no advance warning.
I was actually quite relieved that I didn't have to get dressed up in the afternoons anymore....
I remember when this b.s. first happenedto me, was told by present bible study, (whom I seemed to be teaching) that i need a more mature person and that he had turned me over to Brother Mature. told him and supposedly brother mature that I wasn't their property to be passed around so continue my study with 1st brother, should have read the writing on the wall then, but was too (stupid) gullible, and continued the study although red flags were raising themeselves about it. Why isn't it we don't listen to our inner selves when really needeD?
That raises a question . . . Were you ever asked if that would be okay with you? It seems like we used to just do that to bible students w/out even asking them their opinion. Another example of J-dubs and their bullying ways.