Ha ha ha ! that was just to get your attention ! Here is the class system as it appears to me in WT world . 1. faithful ones follow exact instructions 2.unfaithful may have moral weakness but still respond to instructions 3.conscious class ( as per Rick Fearon )aware of WT lies but put on a facade due to very real fear of loss job, family ,friends, sanity ! 4.snubbed class those who make a complete fade who are frowned upon by all the above classes ! They are those who wish to still have a voice in helping other family and friends .they do not wish to play by WT rules to DF or DA . Love of others causes them not to seek revenge or need the last word! 5. DF class speaks for self !
New Class system revealed!
by caliber 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Go to the head of the class!
Actually, the Watchtower claims that "true Christians" already have a 'classless society'.
Can you believe their nerve?
Meeting Junkie No More
Love the categories! Currently in snubbed class #4 and oddly enough, appreciating it!
Get at least to THINK for myself.
Eventually, hopefully will be able to speak OUT LOUD...a la dawg!
A very interesting, thought provoking link sir, "a classes people today " . Does that mean when people say "you have no class? " seriously though there may not be class division per se but authority structure naturaly creates classes !
Caliber -- LOL at your take on "classless society = no class".
The Bible that JW's follow says "you all are brothers " and "call no one your Father except the heavenly one". But on the other hand, they also talk use the verse that says "elders working hard are worthy of double honor", and in effect the JW's are divided into clergy and laity even though they deny it. And don't even get me started about how they give status to travelling overseers and Governing Body members.
i think there is a sub-category to #4.
4.1 is the class that is snubbed but suddenly remember when classes 1-3 need something and ask for it on the basis of "brotherhood"
Go to the head of the class!
Actually, the Watchtower claims that "true Christians" already have a 'classless society'.
Can you believe their nerve?
That is incredible! I must print this and in a future study ask my conductor if this is new light and it means all the stuff about the John class in the Revelation book is old light.
If not, how is it possible to explain the doublemindedness?
I always liked the "call no one your Father except the heavenly one" rule. I was speechless when they started calling the organization "mother"! Obeying the letter of the law??