I have noticed that most Kingdumb Hells have had numerous comfort problems. One of the most consistent is that they are extremely dry at this time of year. I can remember when I had chapped hands, that it is always worse after sitting there for 2 hours. People would have lotion by the ton. I never did like lotions with mineral oil or petrolatum; I preferred coconut oil which they didn't like because it's supposed to be a food item.
Dry skin aside, this creates other problems. It is a magnet for positive ions. When the air is positively charged, it is impossible to stay put for the whole time. People get headaches and get extremely tired (and then have to screech out in field circus after). This is a bigger problem when the air is very dry. The carpet and chairs add to this positive ion problem. And, the risk of catching cold is much worse, even if the temperature is stable (I never had a problem with catching colds just because of going out in the cold without a jacket, getting caught in the rain, or drafts). The environment is perfect for people to get very sick, even possibly cancer (if nothing else, positively charged air acts as a Lewis acid, acidifying the body).
The other major comfort problem is the chairs. They are meant to be susceptible to getting dirty. However, they are very poor on the back. I have had back problems myself, and they are not from lifting heavy items with my back. In fact, I find that, if I take it easy and not lift from below my knees while I have this problem, I actually get relief from lifting heavy loads with my back. However, the problem is aggravated by the Kingdumb Hell chairs. I can lift 60 to 80 pound loads with my back safely, but I cannot sit in a Kingdumb Hell chair without a backache. I wonder if sitting in those Kingdumb Hell chairs has anything to do with my getting those back problems in the first place--I noticed I never got them before becoming a witless despite lifting with my back, and I get fewer of them now that I no longer go to boasting sessions.
I wonder how many other comfort issues are found in the majority of Kingdumb Hells beyond the climate control systems. I have heard of incidents of mold, odor problems, fumes accumulating from poor ventilation, and the quality of the lighting being hard on the eyes (especially in Kingdumb Hells with no windows or where the blinds are closed and there is no light from outside reaching the people). Or, perhaps it's the bad association of all the witlesses hounding you to do ever more, taking up the Pioneer Diet, and spending even more time in your pollution machine distributing littera-trash to people that smoke, have very hot and stuffy houses, and/or are sick with the flu.