Coffee for One Dollar ...

by compound complex 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Day,

    Talking about surreal - BONEZZ! I was looking to start a new topic and clicked onto your thread and read about your melancholic moment in Starbucks. I was just moments ago reading online about the bottomless cup of coffee proposed by Starbucks. It's at work now, I recall, in Seattle.

    I was listening to NBC Nightly News last night and heard about Starbucks offering a one-dollar cup of coffee. People don't want to give up all their little luxuries despite the downturn in the economy.

    What about you? Will you still go for all the fancy offerings or does this less-expensive cuppa java appeal to your strained budget?

    CoCo et Cafe

  • Xena

    Depends on my mood and my pocketbook.

  • babygirl75

    I'm addicted to the Caramel Frap, don't drink hot/black coffee. I either get the frap or nothing. It runs about $4.50 for a grande her in NC.

  • JK666

    A one dollar cup of coffee at Starbuck's seems like a great deal to me! I like the place so I can use my laptop and get an internet connection when on the road. I always like Panera's for that too. Now I can do it and not go broke.


  • DJK

    I'm addicted to Dunkin Donuts. I try to avoid states that don't have them. (only kidding) I've been to the Dunkins in Curacus, Venezuala. Its very different and still delicious.

    Don't care much for Starbucks. I drink it at my ex-JW meetup once a month because Starbucks is right there.


  • reneeisorym

    If I want the dollar coffee I'll make some at home. If I want something special, I'll get a mocha frap or a mocha latte from starbucks.

  • Dogaradodya

    This was sent to me by my cousin there in the US of A.

    starbucke...wmv (4.3 MB)

    BONEZZ would make my trips a little less expensive. Of course I only drink the hardstuff...pure, unadulterated black coffee. I never got into the mixes and it's a good thing because I'd be deep in debt. I think it's a wise move on their part because of the slowing/dead economy.

    -BONEZZ (of the "Brother can you spare buck for coffee?" class)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Friends, for your comments.

    Starbucks will always be special to me because my first Starbucks was the cheapest cup. I was celebrating life.

    I had been waiting 2 weeks for test results on whether or not I had a terminal illness. The results were negative - I was ecstatic - and I had just enough money for coffee.

    The best things in life are free ... almost.

    Thanks again,


  • worldtraveller

    Can't stand that swill, but how about a buck for a cup of hot chocolate-you know with a dollop of whipped cream.

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