I have not been here for a long time? My wife still goes to the meetings but I haven't heard too much about what is happening. So what's new? New light, great organizational changes, is it the religion for me now???? Eyeslice
Been away for a while - is anything happen in JW world?
by eyeslice 7 Replies latest jw friends
lots of changes in doctrine, lots of change on blood fractions etc, but absolutely no change on letting pedophiles out on the work.
Hi, I am new here and I too wanted to know what was going on in the JW world. I am an ex JW though I am not DA or DF. I just haven't bothered with it at all for the past 20 years. Now I happened on a few sites and this discussion group and my eyes are opening wide as to all the discrepencies and bad things (pedophiles) happening in that religion. I have lots of questions and I just got a lot answered today at this helpline 1-800-why-1914 The lady is an ex JW and she is a wealth of information about the new "light" coming out.
Hope that helps
Most recent "new light" is another change about the word "generation". This change appears in the February 15, 2008 Watchtower.
The "generation" before 1995 was the group of individuals who saw the events of 1914.
Then in 1995 they changed it to be those wicked individuals, as a group, who would die at Armageddon.
Now it's the anointed remnant who will survive Armageddon (whenever it comes -- no date or urgency attached).
Additionally, there are scattered crackdowns on attending the boasting sessions. Some have reported that there is zero tolerance for missing one before Brother Hounder shows up (it turned out that the hounder-hounder-hounder is behind that). The recent Kingdumb Misery insert is telling people that they have no excuse to not pioneer, as if not getting more benefit than cost weren't good enough.
A bit further back (September 2007), they had a Kingdumb Misery insert banning people from having independent Bible studies, or using independent sources to verify the accuracy of the New World Translation or the Watchtower doctrine. This was little more than a crackdown on an existing ban that started sometime in the early 1980s. They are also cracking down on college and oral sex once again. And, as always, they are causing stirs about how Armageddon is imminent (while making plans through 2009 and beyond).
There is now new light on Oral Sex. It's considerred more than just speaking about it.
The microphone carrieres in the KH are now publishers who do over 10 hrs of field service, and have to spend a week training at Pattison, to learn about the art of microphone handling.
If you are past the age of 100 years old, you are handed a auxilliary pioneer application for April.
The Watchtower is now split up into two separate issues per month. One issue is for the public, the other is for the one's that need to be trained behind closed doors.
There is no more sleeping at the Public meetings..the talks have been reduced in time to interfer with a good long snooze.
More changes are still to come..keep on checking this website.
...is it the religion for me now????
There are a number of ways determine if Jehovah's Witnesses is the religion for you. Since the nail gun method and the arsenic method can both lead to death, try the lying method. What you do is ask everyone in your social network to lie to you about everything for a month. If you are chugging away on all eight cylinders at the end of the month, you can handle being a witness.
White Dove
Wow. Two changes on 'generation' in 12 years. Maybe that is not so odd and I have just now noticed how rapidly changes come about now that I'm out of the loop. While I was in, I didn't bat an eye at changes.