I had a post on a week or so ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/150845/1.ashx in reference to my engine blowing up and a dispute that is ongoing with Jiffy Lube.
Well I spoke to a corporate guy at JL today and they are ordering an insurance claim audit where a mechanic will come out and tear apart the engine to officially diagnose what happened to cause the engine to blow a hole in the oil pan. The corporate guy said he is not saying for sure but his guess is that JL will not be liable because there is nothing that they could've done or not done to cause a rod to blow.
When this all first started my regular mechanic was, and still is, so positive that it was something JL did to cause the problem that I was confident in time and thru a lot of haggling everything would be taken care of in the end. However I spoke to my mechanic again today and apparently instead of actually digging in to find the problem like I ASKED they simply put the car up, saw a huge hole in the bottom, found pieces of pistons and seeing a new oil filter there blamed JL. They didn't dig in at all!! So they technically have no idea WTF went wrong.
So now I am sandwiched between my mechanic and JL. If JL comes back with a no fault claim, and garage who had done work on the car only a couple weeks prior also says it's not their fault, I am stuck with a car that had been "fixed" and worked on by two seperate companies, neither of which will pay to replace the engine, and a completely dead car which of course I'm still paying for. It's not like I have thousands of dollars just sitting around with nothing better to do than drop a brand new engine in, and it's not like I can walk into a dealership and trade in a non functioning car and expect to come away with anything short of an anal ache from the raping they will surely give me to get into a different car.
I am seriously starting to stress!
I could be totally SCREWED
by feenx 3 Replies latest jw friends
Holy Crap!
That sucks!
Man, here's hoping against hope that something comes through for you.
I know I was in a similar situation, my truck needed head gaskets and went kerplooey just before we were to leave on vacation.
I know the shop will try to say they aren't to blame, but I think there's a better chance THEY are culpable than an oil-change place.
Most places would actually rather settle than fight in court, maybe you should threaten to sue, and then actually file if they don't see it your way.
The minimum in most stated foe small claims is probably more than what an engine would cost, and it would cost them more to send someone to defend than to just settle.
Plus you have them failing to dig in and summarily passing blame, it don't look too good for them.
Keep your head up, and maybe it will all work out?
Feenx: What work did the shop do on the car a couple weeks ago?
About the only thing that JL can do wrong is not put enough oil in the car or leave something loose so the oil leaks out. Do you have an oil pressure gauge in the car, and did you happen to notice what it read? Did you see any idiot lights on before she blew?
What were the driving conditions when this happened? High rev during acceleration from stop?
The best case against JL would be if there was evidence that the engine ran dry. Then you could claim that they didn't put in (enough) oil. All the better if there is evidence that the drain plug was loose/damaged, or the oil filter wasn't fully attached and was leaking.
In the absence of that, it would depend on what work the shop did, to see if they did something wrong. Any warranty from the shop?
EDIT: Just read the previous post.
The "clicking sound" was possibly a broken ring moving around. A broken ring can catch on the cylinder wall and throw the rod in a variety of stunning directions.
Keep us posted...
Wordly Andre
I think JL is involved in a lawsuit in California for not putting oil in peoples cars, forgetting to put drain plugs back in, and charging people for repairs they didn't do. I would look into it a bit more.