I came on this board, and found a new level of understanding related to my evil cult past I had been seeking but never found before, and I thank you for that.
But I found myself holding my tongue on some issues, avoiding controversy, wanting to be liked.
Some of you liked me, others really didn't, but I'm not sure I liked me, or that I even like those I used to want to be liked by.
Certainly not enough to go on being so damn mediocre.
I have come to the conclusion that I don't give a flying fornicate if you people like me or not.
You either will, and that's fine, or you won't and I don't care.
I'll just be me, and the chips will fall where they may, and if you don't like it, you may feel free to attempt self-reproduction in an anatomically unlikely fashion!
I am a believer.
I talk to God. If you think that makes me foolish, or delusional, then so be it.
I repudiate Atheism, Evolution, and secular humanism in all it's forms. I have looked at more than enough evidence, feel my position is just as plausible as yours, am quite capable of debating it and holding my own, but just no longer feel the need to. So I'll just behave like you evolutionary atheists have been doing, drop a statement like 'God made it all' and be done with it. You have no problem coming from a place where what you believe is the only truth and anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously a fool, so it's high time I learned something from your supposed wisdom.
If you don't like that, go chase a rolling donut; if you can maintain mutual respect, then I'm fine with you.
I am conservative. I think people should be responsible for themselves whenever possible. I think being charitable is an individual responsibility and resent government theft of my funds to subsidize the rampant reproductive irresponsibility of a large portion of the populace.
Call me cold hearted, I don't freaking care.
If you love where you live, more power to you, but I happen to love where I live, and don't think America needs a socialist Marxist makeover, I don't think we are the cause of all the world's ills, I don't think the war in Iraq was illegal, or that it's going as badly as the liberal media would have you believe, or that islamofascists can be reasoned with. I can accept that you may feel different, but really don't want to hear about it.
Call me a redneck, or a flag-waver, I don't give a damn.
I hope they waterboard a few more of them if it will help save lives. I notice they are not so kind as to waterboard, they lop off heads. I'd sure rather be waterboarded than have my fricking head held up high while my body remains prone!
I hold myself to a certain moral standard that works for me, I do not feel that one needs to go hog wild upon suddenly having freedom from the borg and go out doing everything you were never allowed to do.
I don't think drugs are 'kewl' and I really don't like hanging out with folks who let me know they do. I don't think phucking around is 'kewl', and don't enjoy that kind of association. So excuse the hell out of me if I am not impressed by how high you got, or how much action you get, or your latest tattoo or piercing.
Pull up your pants!
I think that it doesn't matter a hill of beans how much you have or don't have so long as you can own up to who you are and work hard. I think the measure of a person is in the difference they make, not the opinions they hold, so I don't expect anyone to agree with my views, and I frankly don't care if they do.
I know who you are, you've all been so very vocal, now you know who I am, we can either get along, or you can talk to the elbow 'cuz the hand is on vacation and don't give a damn anyway.
I'll continue being civil, I'm not trashing anybody, you don't have to agree with anything I think to be my friend, but you better know what I think and at least accord me the respect of agreeing to disagree.
I just think it's time I felt just as free to express my views as everybody else feels free to be, I'm tired of certain views being taken as a given, and the opposing view being automatically dismissed as if no sane person would think that. I am sane, and I do indeed think that, so step off. I am not ashamed to hold these positions, and I am not interested in what you think, or why you think I'm wrong. This is not an invite to debate my views, I do not need to be converted to yours, I am just as entitled to my opinions as anybody else.
If you can toss out what you think then get all butt-hurt if anyone dares disagree, then so can I.
We'll soon sort out who is really my friend and who is not, won't we.
So, let the flaming begin.
Rip me a new one, tell me how horrible I am. Make it easy for me to decide on whether to stay here.
Flame away, this is your big chance to flame the stupid creationist, redneck bigot gun-freak, warmongering, capitalist pig moron, fat crippled asshole! Ask me about my gun rack in my truck, go on, you know you want to!
There's a segment here who never seems to run out of cheap shots, so here's your chance to trot 'em out.
Just a warning, since I really don't care why anybody disagrees with me, I am not going to be pulled into any debate, this thread is simply for folks to tell me off, or stand up and say they can agree to disagree.
Of course, if you still desire my friendship, feel free to say that too. I never turn away a real friend. I've gone through a rough patch and can always use good friends, but I won't pretend to be someone I'm not just to ingratiate myself. This is a fricking online board, this is not the sum total of my social network. If it turns out that nobody wants me here if I am true to myself, then so be it.
I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not.
OK, I'm putting on my fireproof undies....
(now I'm staring at this and debating whether to click 'submit' or 'back')
'submit', it is.