1983-United In Worship/2002-Worship The Only True God/--PDFs!

by Atlantis 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    1983-United In Worship of the Only True God/2002-Worship The Only True God/-PDF's 1983 United In Worship of the Only True God is: BM=Bookmarked by chapter number and by chapter subject. S=Searchable R=Reduced from 58-MB to 24-MB (Credit goes to Eyeslice) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/33171/1.ashx/New+%22Worship+Book%22+-+Again A number of recent threads have discussed the changes between the old United in Worship of the Only True God and the new book Worship the Only True God.

    Like many, I agree that there are a number of changes between the two books that will possibly lead to major readjustments in doctrines, and are being introduced gradually and subtly through this new book. For example, chapter on blood has been omitted.
    In other places it clear that the new book is a poor re-hash of the old. Whoever did the actual writing has made a particularly bad job of it. They have made grammatical changes for change sake and have not given any real thought to what they were re-hashing.

    Not surprising though. Think of it this way.

    How many elders have actually read the new publications already? Not many I would bet. How many elders will read both books together? One or two, none?

    How many elders really understand, love or think about theology, be it Christian or other? Not many again.

    Most elders I know wouldn't be able to tell you exactly who the faithful and discreet slave is ("tell me brother elder, does the fds include sisters and if so how does the governing body seek guidance from these holy ones, as the governing body claims to merely represent the whole of the fds class?").

    Now, are those on the writing committee likely to be that much better? I know of one or two who have written Watchtower and Awake articles in the past and I wouldn't describe these as theological giants. So given that the writing committee is mainly made up of non-anointed ones who have risen through the ranks on the basis of towing the company line rather than on their theological reasoning ability, what we end up with in the literature is pretty 3rd rate.

    Judge for yourself. I have taken the text for the old book from the CD and scanned in the text from the new book. Also, I have highlighted in bold blue a number of interesting changes.

    OLD - Keep Close in Mind Jehovah's DayNew - Keep Close in Mind Jehovah's Day
    NO DOUBT one of the first things you learned from study of the Bible was that deliverance from the heartaches of life in the present system of things is near. (Luke 21:28) You came to realize that God's purpose is for all the earth to be a Paradise. Crime, war, sickness and death will be no more, and even dead loved ones will live again. What a heartwarming prospect! The nearness of it all was emphasized by evidence that Christ's invisible presence as ruling King began in 1914 C.E. and that since then we have been in the last days of this wicked world. Has that knowledge produced changes in your life? Does your way of life really demonstrate conviction that "Jehovah's day" is near? ONE of the first things you learned from the Bible was that Jehovah's purpose is for all the earth to become a paradise. In that new world, war, crime, poverty; sickness, suffering, and death will be no more. Even the dead will come back to life. What marvelous prospects! The nearness of all that is emphasized by evidence that Christ's invisible presence as ruling King began in 1914 and that since then we have been in the last days of this wicked world. At the end of these last days, Jehovah will destroy this present system of things and usher in the promised new world!
    2 The Scriptures clearly show that the "generation" that saw the beginning of Christ's presence would also see the "great day of Jehovah" in which he executes judgment against all who practice unrighteousness. (Matt. 24:34; Zeph. 1:14-2:3) That "generation" is now well along in years. But the Bible does not pinpoint the exact date when Jesus Christ will come as Jehovah's executioner against Satan's earthly system of things. "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father," said Jesus. (Mark 13:32) This has proved to be very beneficial. In what way? It has helped to show up what is in people's hearts. If any do not really love Jehovah, they are inclined to postpone his "day" in their minds and turn to secular pursuits toward which their hearts incline. Jehovah approves as his servants only those who truly love him and who show it by serving him whole-souled, regardless of when the end of the wicked system comes. The approval of God and of his Son is not with those who are lukewarm or of a double mind.-Rev. 3:16; Ps. 37:4; 1 John 5:3. 2 The Bible calls this coming time of destruction "Jehovah's day." (2 Peter 3:10) It is "the day of Jehovah's anger" against Satan's entire world. (Zephaniah 2:3) It reaches its climax in "the war of the great day of God the almighty, called in Hebrew HarMagedon [Armageddon]," in which "the kings of the entire inhabited earth" are annihilated. (Revelation 16:14, 16) Does your way of life demonstrate your conviction that this "day of Jehovah" is near? - Zephaniah 1:14-18;Jeremiah 25:33
    3 The Bible does not tell us the exact date when Jesus Christ will come as Jehovah's Executioner against Satan's system of things. "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father," said Jesus. (Mark 13:32) If any do not really love Jehovah, they will be inclined to postpone his day in their minds and turn to secular pursuits. But those who truly love Jehovah will serve him whole-souled, regardless of when the end of this wicked system comes. - Psalm 37:4; 1 John 5:3.
    3 In a word of caution to lovers of Jehovah, Jesus said: "Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is." (Mark 13:33-37) He urges us not to allow eating and drinking or "anxieties of life" to absorb so much of our attention that we lose sight of the seriousness of the time.-Luke 21:34-36; Matt. 24:37-42.4 In a word of caution to lovers of Jehovah, Jesus says: "Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is." (Mark 13:33-37) He urges us not to allow eating and drinking or "anxieties of life" to absorb so much of our attention that we lose sight of the seriousness of the times. - Luke 21:34-36; Matthew 24:37-42.
    4 Later, the apostle Peter counseled all who have true faith to 'await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt.' The nearness of "Jehovah's day" is a fact that none of us should ever minimize. The visible governmental heavens and wicked human society are soon to be replaced by "new heavens and a new earth" of God's making, and all the "elements" that go along with the present worldly system-its independent attitude, its immoral and materialistic way of life-will be brought to their end in the destructive heat of "Jehovah's day." (2 Pet. 3:10-13) We need to keep alert, being aware that these world-shattering events could begin at any moment.-Matt. 24:44. 5 Peter similarly counsels us to keep close in mind "the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt." All human governments - "the heavens" - will be destroyed, as will wicked human society in general - "earth" - and its "elements," the ideas and activities of this evil world, such as its attitude of independence from God and its immoral and materialistic way of life. These will be replaced by a "new heavens [God's heavenly Kingdom] and a new earth [a new earthly society]" in which "righteousness is to dwell." (2 Peter 3:10-13) These world-shattering events will begin suddenly and at an unexpected day and hour-Matthew 24:44.
    Keep Alert to Events Fulfilling the SignKeep Alert to the Sign
    5 Especially in view of the time in which we live, we should be well acquainted with the details of the composite sign identifying the "last days," or the "conclusion of the system of things." To read the sign correctly, we must keep in mind that when Jesus answered the question of his disciples as recorded at Matthew 24:3, some of what he said applied to the end of the Jewish system in the first century, but the main application reached far beyond that. What he described in verses 4 through 22 did have a small-scale fulfillment between 33 and 70 C.E. But the prophecy has its major fulfillment in our day and identifies the period since 1914 C.E. as being the time of Christ's "presence and of the conclusion of the system of things." (Also Mark 13:5-20 and Luke 21:8-24) Matthew 24:23-28 tells what would take place from 70 C.E. forward into the time of Christ's presence. (Also Mark 13:21-23) As for the developments described from Matthew 24:29Þ-25:46Ü to the end of chapter 25, these point to the period since 1914 C.E.-Also Mark 13:24-37 and Luke 21:25-36. 6 In view of the times in which we live, we should become well acquainted with the details of the composite sign that identifies the last days - "the conclusion of the system of things." Keep in mind that when Jesus answered his disciples' question, recorded at Matthew 24:3, some of what he described in verses 4 through 22 had a small-scale fulfillment on the Jewish system between 33 and 70 C.E. But the prophecy has its major fulfillment in the period since 1914, the time of Christ's presence and of the conclusion of the system of things." Matthew 24:23-28 tells what would take place from 70 C.E. to the time of Christ's presence. The developments described at Matthew 24:29-25:46 take place during the time of the end.

    6 We personally ought to be observant of current events that fulfill "the sign." Our relating these events to Bible prophecy will help us to keep "close in mind" Jehovah's day. It will also enable us to be persuasive when warning others of the nearness of "the day of vengeance on the part of our God." (Isa. 61:1, 2) With these objectives in mind, review the following facets of "the sign."

    • In what extraordinary way was the foretold rising of 'nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom' fulfilled starting in 1914 C.E.? What has happened even in recent months that adds to the fulfillment?
    • To what extent have food shortages affected the earth despite the scientific knowledge of the 20th century?
    • Has there really been any difference in the frequency of earthquakes in one place after another since 1914 C.E.?
    • In 1918 what pestilence claimed more lives than the world war? In spite of medical knowledge, what diseases are still of epidemic proportions?
    • What evidence do you see that men really are faint out of fear, as foretold at Luke 21:26?
    • What convinces you that the conditions described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 are not simply the way life has always been but that they are intensifying to a shocking degree as we move toward the close of the last days?

    7 We personally ought to be observant of events and attitudes that fulfill the sign. Connecting these things to Bible prophecy will help us to keep close in mind Jehovah's day. It will also enable us to be persuasive when warning others of the nearness of that day. (Isaiah 61:1, 2) With these objectives in mind, let us review the following questions that highlight parts of the sign, as recorded at Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21 10, 11.

    • In what extraordinary way was the foretold rising of 'nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom' fulfilled starting in 1914? Regarding wars, what has happened since then?
    • In 1918, what pestilence claimed more lives than World War I? Despite man's medical knowledge, what diseases still kill millions?
    • To what extent have food shortages affected the earth despite the scientific advances of the last century?
    • What convinces you that 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13 is describing, not the way that life has always been, but the way that bad conditions have intensified as we move toward the end of the last days?
    Separating of PeopleSeparating of People
    7 There are also other significant events that Jesus prominently associated with the conclusion of the system of things. One of these is the separation of the "sons of the kingdom" from the "sons of the wicked one." Jesus spoke of this in his parable about a wheat field that an enemy oversowed with weeds. The "wheat" in his illustration represents true anointed Christians. The "weeds" are imitation Christians. In the conclusion of the system of things the "weeds"-those who profess to be Christians but who prove themselves "sons of the wicked one" because they cling to the world of which the Devil is ruler-are separated from the "sons of [God's] kingdom" and marked for destruction. (Matt. 13:36-43) Has this actually taken place? 8 There are other significant developments that Jesus associated with the conclusion of the system of things. One of these is the separating of "the sons of the kingdom" from "the sons of the wicked one." Jesus spoke of this in his parable about a wheat field that an enemy oversowed with weeds. "The wheat" in his illustration represents true anointed Christians. "The weeds" are those who profess to be Christians but prove themselves to be "sons of the wicked one" because they cling to the world of which the Devil is ruler. These are separated from "the sons of [God's] kingdom" and are marked for destruction. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) Has this actually taken place?

    8 After World War I there was, indeed, a great separating of all persons who claimed to be Christians into two classes: (1) The clergy of Christendom and their followers, who came out in strong support of the League of Nations (now the United Nations), while still holding fast to their nationalism. (2) The relatively few true anointed Christians of that postwar era, who gave their full support to God's Messianic Kingdom. By open support of governments of the world as the means for achieving peace and security, the first class made it plain that they were not true Christians. (John 17:16) In contrast, Jehovah's servants correctly identified the League of Nations as the modern-day "disgusting thing that causes desolation," referred to in Matthew 24:15. Showing themselves to be true "sons of [God's] kingdom," they undertook the preaching of "this good news of the kingdom . . . in all the inhabited earth." (Matt. 24:14) With what results? 9 After World War I, there was a separating of all who claimed to be Christian into two classes: (1) The clergy of Christendom and their followers, who came out in strong support of the League of Nations (now the United Nations) while still holding fast to their national loyalties, and (2) true Christians of that postwar era, who gave their full support to God's Messianic Kingdom, not to the nations of this world. (John 17:16) These proved themselves true servants of God's Kingdom by undertaking the preaching of "this good news of the kingdom" earth wide. (Matthew 24:14) With what results?
    9 First, there was a gathering of the remnant of the "chosen ones," spirit-anointed Christians. Though widely scattered among the nations, as if to the "four winds," under angelic direction they were brought into organizational unity.-Matt. 24:31.10 First, there was the gathering of the remnant of those anointed by God's spirit, who have the hope of being with Christ as part of the heavenly Kingdom. Though such ones were scattered among the nations, they were brought into organizational unity The completion of the sealing of these anointed ones draws near. - Revelation 7:3,4.
    10 Then, as Jesus foretold, he began separating people of all nations, "just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." This work, directed by Christ from his heavenly throne, continues right down to the present, and you personally are affected by it. The majority of mankind spurn God's Kingdom and its spirit-anointed "sons" and so will be consigned to "everlasting cutting-off" in death. However, to others the Lord extends the invitation to inherit the earthly realm of his Kingdom, with everlasting life in view. Such sheeplike ones have associated themselves with the anointed "sons of the kingdom," even though these are objects of cruel persecution. (Matt. 25:31-46) Loyally they help them to publicize the vital message of the Kingdom. A great crowd numbering into the millions is sharing in this work. The Kingdom message is being heard to the ends of the earth. What do these events signify? That we are very near the end of the "last days" and that the "day of Jehovah" is close at hand. 11 Then, under Christ's direction, there began the gathering of a "great crowd, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues." These make up the "other sheep" who will survive "the great tribulation" into God's new world. (Revelation 7:9, 14; John 10:16) This work of preaching God's Kingdom before the end comes continues right down to the present time. Loyally, the great crowd of other sheep, now numbering into the millions, help the anointed remnant publicize the vital message of the Kingdom. This message is being heard in all the nations.

    What Lies Ahead?What Lies Ahead?
    11 Are there still prophecies to be fulfilled before the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah begins? Yes! The separating of people over the Kingdom issue is not yet finished. In some areas where intense opposition was experienced for years, there is now a bumper crop of new disciples. And even where people reject the good news, Jehovah's justice and mercy are upheld by our giving the witness. So, on with the work! Jesus assures us that, when it is done, "the end will come."-Matt. 24:14.12 All of the above signifies that we are near of the last days and that Jehovah's day is hand. But are there prophecies yet to be fi fore that fear-inspiring day begins? Yes. For one thing, the separating of people over the Kingdom issue is not yet finished. In some areas where intense opposition was experienced for years, there is now an increase in new disciples. Even where people reject the good news, Jehovah's mercy is demonstrated by our giving the witness. So, on with the work! Jesus assures us that when the work is finished, the end will come.
    12 Another highly significant Bible prophecy foretells: "Whenever it is that they are saying: 'Peace and security!' then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape." (1 Thess. 5:2, 3) What form that proclamation of "peace and security" will take remains to be seen. But it certainly will not mean that the world leaders have truly solved the problems of mankind. Those who are "keeping close in mind" Jehovah's day will not be misled by that proclamation. They know that, immediately thereafter, "sudden destruction" will come.13 Another highly significant Bible prophecy foretells: "Whenever it is that they are saying: 'Peace and security!' then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) What form that proclamation of "peace and security" will take remains to be seen. But it will certainly not mean that world leaders have truly solved the problems of mankind. Those who are keeping Jehovah's day close in mind will not be misled by that proclamation. They know that immediately afterward, sudden destruction will come.
    13 First, as the Scriptures show, the political rulers will, on a global basis, turn against Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and annihilate her. (Rev. 17:15, 16) It is indeed noteworthy that hostile attitudes especially toward Christendom's religions are even now manifesting themselves. Governments with strong antireligious policies already exercise powerful influence in the United Nations, and the public themselves in traditionally religious lands are in large numbers forsaking the religions of their forefathers. What does it all mean? That the desolating of all false religion is near. Thereafter, when the nations defiantly turn, full force, against those who uphold Jehovah's sovereignty, divine fury will be unleashed against the political governments and their supporters, resulting in total destruction for all of them. Finally, Satan himself with his demons will be hurled into the abyss, completely restrained from influencing mankind. This will indeed be "Jehovah's day," the day when his name will be put on high.-Ezek. 38:18, 22, 23; Rev. 19:11-20:3. 14 At the beginning of the great tribulation, the rulers will turn against Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and will annihilate her. (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 17:15, 16) After that, the nations will turn against those who uphold Jehovah's sovereignty, provoking Jehovah's fury against the political governments and their supporters, resulting in total destruction for them. That will be the Armageddon climax of the great tribulation. Then, Satan and his demons will be abyssed, no longer able to influence mankind. This will conclude Jehovah's day when his name will he put on high-Ezekiel 38:18, 22, 23; Revelation 19:11 20:3.
    14 It will come exactly on time, according to God's schedule. It will not be late. (Hab. 2:3) Remember, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. came quickly, when the Jews did not expect it, when they thought danger was past. And what of ancient Babylon? It was powerful, confident, fortified with massive walls. But it fell in one night. So, too, "sudden destruction" will come upon the present wicked system. When it does, may we be found united in true worship, having kept "close in mind" Jehovah's day.15 The end of this system will come exactly on time, according to God's schedule. It will not be late. (Habakkuk 2:3) Remember, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 G.E. came quickly, when the Jews did not expect it, when they thought that danger was past. And what of ancient Babylon? It was powerful, confident, and fortified with massive walls. But it fell in one night. So, too, sudden destruction will come upon the present wicked system. When it does, may we be found united in true worship, having kept close in mind Jehovah's day.

    *************************************************************** 1983-"United in Worship of the Only True God" downolad: Click the download link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/dc4j2e If you also need the latest version of this book called "Worship The Only True God" published in 2002, then a download link is provided below. The 2002 version is a standard bookmarked PDF, and can be used as a reference in researching the changes from the 1983 edition. 2002-"Worship The Only True God" download: BM=Bookmarked ST=Standard-PDF= (not searchable). R=Reduced from 58-MB to 23-MB. Click the download link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/9ftidp Tweety picture no.0435 Cheers! Atlantis-
  • AlphaOmega

    Thank you yet again Atlantis

    You have a PM

  • Atlantis


    Thank you my friend!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • marilla

    I go to the sendspace.com to download the "United in Worship of the Only True God" and "Worship the Only True God" pdf books, but the site tells me these books are not available. What am I doing wrong?

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